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Build A Will (England, Wales, N Ireland version))

Creating the perfect Will can be fun - you will find. It is a little, in fact, like completing a quiz - or a poll! Just try it now and see! Complete the questions below, and we will tell what (between £20 and £40) it would cost depending upon its length and complexity for our lawyers to create. Decide upon the information that you would want to be contained in your last will and testament - in order that it will be a true and full reflection of (1) everything that you would wish to occur - and (2) the way in which you would wish your estate to be distributed - in the event of your death. Complete this - we suggest - on the basis of 'IF you had died yesterday - then this is what would have been to happen'.

Who are you? Your Will must contain your full name that you are known by today, along with any previous name, or any name that you are alos known by (nickname or stage name etc).

100% (5) What is your full name?
80% (4) And, any previous name you have had (such as your maiden name)
40% (2) And, are you known by any other name?

5 voters have answered this question.

Your Will takes your marital status into account - so please select from the following - and provide information where requested -

20% (1) Single person - never married or in a registered civil union
40% (2) Married - or in a registered civil union
0% (0) Widow/widower [please provide name of your late spouse]
0% (0) Divorced - not remarried [please provide name of your ex spouse]
40% (2) Re-married - following divoce
0% (0) Re-married - having been a widow/widower

5 voters have answered this question.

Are you in contemplation of a marriage? Even if there is no known date - or no certaintly - it is best to treat any person who you are not married to, but, who you intend intend treating in your Will as if you were, (i.e. a partner) as being someone who you are 'in contemplation of marrying'. For these purposes they will then be referred to as ´your fiance(e)´ Then you must decide - Would any gifts to this person:

0% (0) Who are you treating as being 'in contemplation of marrying'?
0% (0) FAIL, IF you had not married by the date of your death.
100% (1) FAIL if you had not married within a specific period (such as 3 years) - state period:
0% (0) Never FAIL.
0% (0) FAIL if they also died within thirty days of your death (or name other period)

1 voters have answered this question.

Under UK law, someone has to be responsible for reading your Will following your death and supervising the wishes being carried out - called an Executor. Who do you want that to be?

100% (5) Your spouse - of 'fiance(e) - please add their name for certainty
0% (0) Another person such as a friend - please add their name
0% (0) A professional advisor such as your bank or solicitor (not generally required or recommended) - please add their name Another person such as a friend - please add their name Ask for extra input?

5 voters have answered this question.

In the event of under aged children surviving you, or you leaving a bequest (gift) to someone unable to look after their own affairs, or you making a gift that will require some attention or management for a several years you should name a trustee - who will act on your behalf in the management of your gift under the terms of your will. Who will you appoint - in that situation? Skip the question if not relevant to you.

60% (3) Your spouse or 'fiance(e).
0% (0) The parents of the person who is to receive the gift
40% (2) Another person (friend etc) or professional advisor (Bank or lawyer) [Please name them]

5 voters have answered this question.

Do you intend making any specific gifts ahead of the transfer of the residue of your estate (whatever is left) - such as 'your guitar to a friend' - or - '£100 to the lifeboat fund'. Under UK law (not Scotland)you can give anything to anyone. If so then please list each gift and the person who is to receive it in the box. If not, then skip this quesion.

No graph available for this question

5 voters have answered this question.

Do you own property abroad (anywhere outside of the UK). If so please describe the property : and its location. Please confirm NO if not. We are likely to suggest that there should be a seperate - pararallel - Will in respect of this property.

No graph available for this question

5 voters have answered this question.

The remainder of your estate is known as your residue. This can go to a single person, (spouse) or place (charity) - or be divided (equally or in percentages) between your chosen beneficiaries. Who is to receive the residue of your estate?

60% (3) All of the residue to you spouse or 'fiancee'
40% (2) All of the residue to be divided equally between your spouse or fiance(e) and your children or others. Please detail the parties.
0% (0) A division between two or more people according to percentages (please list)

5 voters have answered this question.

Do you want to be burried or cremated or thrown in the sea?

40% (2) Burried [please add any other directions]
40% (2) Cremated [please add any other directions]
20% (1) To be decided by my executor
0% (0) Other instructions (thrown in sea, tradition of my religeon)

5 voters have answered this question.

This is a facility that you CAN ONLY USE ONCE(unless you have more than one email computer). The choice of how to use your single 'life' is yours - you can Build A Will out of curiosity - to see the sorts of issues creating a Will raises. OR if you wish you can provide us HERE - in total confidence - with your email address - or telephone - or postal address, so we can provide you, free, with a draft Will - based upon your answers - with a critique and suggestions. We shall also tell you - without obligation - the cost - between £20 and £50 - of us providing you you with your finished Will ready to be signed and witnesses - so as to be valid and legally binding. Please provide contact details below - OR - skip the question.

No graph available for this question

1 voters have answered this question.

In the event that someone who is named in your Will as a beneficiary dies before you or within 30 days of your death - how would you want their gift to be re-distributed?

33% (1) Between the other beneficiaries in my Will [Please state if other than divided wqually between them]
33% (1) Between the children of the deceased beneficiary if any or as above if not.
0% (0) As decided by my Executor.
33% (1) As decided by my Trustee

3 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-01-25 13:25:36 by Wills In the UK
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