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Help Start A New TV Show!!!

This is a poll to help determine the possibility of a New Reality Based T.V series. There is no right or wrong answer to any question, just be honest. Some questions may seem repetitive but they are all necessary. On a few questions you may agree with more than one answer, just listen to your gut and select only one (unless otherwise specified). Think before you answer and make sure that you fully comprehend each and every question. Your answers will be for research purposes only and will not be shared or sold with any outside source. Thank you for your time.

Are you Male or Female?

41% (42) Male
58% (60) Female

102 voters have answered this question.

What is your age range?

14% (15) 19 and younger
31% (32) 20 - 29
36% (37) 30 - 39
12% (13) 40 - 49
4% (5) 50 and up

102 voters have answered this question.

Which Of the following best describes your relationship status?

33% (34) Single / never married
18% (19) Married
33% (34) In a relationship
10% (11) Divorced
3% (4) Widowed

102 voters have answered this question.

How many children do you have?

66% (68) None
17% (18) 1
9% (10) 2
5% (6) 3 or more

102 voters have answered this question.

If you answered "none" to the previous question then select "N/A" to this one. Which of the following best describes your parental status?

22% (23) Living with children
11% (12) Do not live with children
1% (2) Children / Child is / are old enough to support themselves
63% (65) N/A

102 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following best describes your living status? (you can select more than one)

30% (31) Own
43% (44) Rent
9% (10) Live alone
26% (27) Live with family
12% (13) Live with roommate

102 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following best describes your household annual income level

27% (28) $25,000 or less
33% (34) $26,000 - $50,000
33% (34) $51,000 - $100,000
5% (6) $100,000 and up

102 voters have answered this question.

Do you work... (You can select more than one)

13% (14) Part time
60% (62) Full time
10% (11) Self employed
11% (12) Unemployed
23% (24) Student
1% (2) Retired

102 voters have answered this question.

What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

15% (16) High school
33% (34) I have completed some college or currently attending
7% (8) 2 year degree
35% (36) 4 year degree
7% (8) Grad school or professional degree

102 voters have answered this question.

Use the options below to answer either one or both of these questions (1.) Think back to your childhood. Childhood dreams could be anything from flying to standing on top of a mountain, to riding a horse bareback through the country side, being a fireman, digging up dinosaur fossils or exploring an ancient tomb. (Regardless of how silly they may have been, think back and try to remember what they were). (2.) Think about all the things that you currently dream about doing. Do you feel as though you have accomplished most to all of your childhood and/or current day dreams?

9% (10) Yes, been there done that.
90% (92) No, there's still so much I want to see and do!

102 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently find yourself daydreaming whether it's at home, work or elsewhere?

94% (96) Yes
5% (6) No

102 voters have answered this question.

When you daydream are you often thinking about things you've always wanted to do, but haven't?

85% (87) Yes
9% (10) No
4% (5) I don't daydream

102 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following best describes the reason why you have not lived out many of your childhood dreams?

41% (42) Not enough time
28% (29) Too many responsibilities
30% (31) It costs too much

102 voters have answered this question.

Do you still have the desire to do all those exciting things you imagined yourself doing when you were younger?

94% (96) Yes
5% (6) No

102 voters have answered this question.

Please list a few of the things that you have always wanted to do, but for one reason or another haven't been able to. Take your time and seriously think about it. If you could do anything... what would it be? NOTE: Do not list reasons why, you'll have the opportunity to mention that in a moment.

No graph available for this question

102 voters have answered this question.

Now tell us why you haven't been able to accomplish some of those dreams.

No graph available for this question

102 voters have answered this question.

Would you attempt to accomplish any of your dreams alone or would you rather go with friends and or family? (You can select more than one).

14% (15) I would rather go alone
44% (45) I would go alone, but I prefer to have friends or family with me
58% (60) I'd like to have my closest friends with me
18% (19) I'd like to have my family or a family member with me
32% (33) I'd like to have both family and friends or a family member and a friend with me

102 voters have answered this question.

Do you regret not being able to do some of the things you've always wanted to do... or rather, do you feel as though at this point in time of your life "YES" accomplishing some of my lifelong dreams probably won't happen due to family, health and/or career related reasons, or "NO" There's really nothing out there that I'm interested in doing that I haven't already done.

65% (67) Yes
13% (14) No
20% (21) I don't have any "regrets" by not accomplishing some of my life long dreams, but I do wish I had done more of them back when I was younger / when I had less responsibility than I do now / when I was in better health/shape / when I had more time etc...

102 voters have answered this question.

Does being an amateur at something prevent you from doing it? For example: Let's say you've always wanted to go cave exploring, but you have never done repelling before or haven’t had any training on how to do it properly, would that prevent you from doing it?

9% (10) Yes, it would prevent me from doing it. It's not worth the risk
29% (30) No, I would still do it. That just makes it all the more adventurous
22% (23) I would still do it as long as it wasn't dangerous, otherwise I'd learn what I need to know or get trained
38% (39) I would take it upon myself to learn what I needed to know or get trained

102 voters have answered this question.

Many people want to tap into the "Indiana Jones" that's in all of us. Do you feel this way as well?

77% (79) Yes
22% (23) No

102 voters have answered this question.

Would you be interested in seeing a Reality Show based on the everyday adult that personally shows you various ways despite relationships, responsibilities, and career that you can in fact accomplish your childhood dreams regardless of how outlandish they may seem?

75% (77) Yes
4% (5) No
19% (20) Maybe

102 voters have answered this question.

Would you want to participate in such a show?

50% (51) Yes
10% (11) No
12% (13) Maybe
26% (27) I'm interested, but I'd like to watch it first.

102 voters have answered this question.

T.V Show names are known to be straight forward and simple. (For ex. Friends, Survivor, Dirty Jobs etc...) Which of the following names do you feel best describes this show?

22% (23) Live Your Dreams
64% (66) No Excuses
3% (4) Amateur Adventurers
8% (9) 3D Dreams

102 voters have answered this question.

In the space provided, please tell us why you chose the name you did above, and feel free to include your own idea for a show name as well.

No graph available for this question

102 voters have answered this question.

I am...

55% (53) a Female and if this show were on TV I would be interested in watching it.
3% (3) a Female and if this show were on TV I would not be interested in watching it.
41% (39) a Male and if this show were on TV I would be interested in watching it.
0% (0) a Male and if this show were on TV I would not be interested in watching it.

95 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-01-21 20:21:49 by Creative Minds
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