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Hostile Terrorist Situation the USA has to face

This is a voting poll for the public...letting us know how we feel about the current tradgic events that have just taken place.
When should the United States take action against these multiple terrorist associations?
Take immediate action
Find who and then attack
Do not go to war
Find Bin Laden and take em out
Call for a air strike on them
Should we help other nations with their problems in the future?
No, we have enough problems
Yes, to be a good nation
Yes, its morally right
Dont know
Has President Bush been doing the right thing?
Yes, very good job
No, need more action
No, we need to stop this war
No, he is shady to the public
Yes, a bit slow, but good
If war is imminant, what action should we take first?
Air Strike
Land units
Special Force Units
Sea to land force
Delta Force, then the rest
Are you scared about the war hitting the US?
What are you most affraid of?
Nuclear Fall out
Bio-chemical Warfare
Land force
More terrorist acts in US
How did you feel when you saw the planes hit the WTC buildings?
State of Shock
Do you know anyone who was hurt or killed in the WTC attack?
Yes, injured
Yes, Killed
This poll was created on 2001-09-29 14:14:19 by MPC3562830686