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Most people have been blackmailed at some point in their life, tell others about your experience.

Males, which age group do you belong to?

5% (14) Under 10
13% (37) 10-13
31% (84) 14-17
9% (26) 18-20
11% (32) 21-25
5% (14) 26-30
5% (16) 31-35
2% (7) 36-40
5% (14) 40-50
7% (20) 51-60
1% (5) 61-70
0% (0) 71 or older

269 voters have answered this question.

Women, which age group do you belong to?

3% (7) Under 10
18% (35) 10-13
31% (60) 14-17
9% (18) 18-20
13% (25) 21-25
7% (14) 26-30
4% (9) 31-35
3% (6) 36-40
7% (14) 40-50
0% (1) 51-60
0% (0) 61-70
0% (0) 71 or older

189 voters have answered this question.

Which people OF THE SAME SEX AS YOU have blackmailed you?

18% (51) Girlfriend/boyfriend
28% (77) Best friend
38% (105) Friend
38% (106) Schoolmate/Co-worker
13% (37) Boss
7% (21) Parent
30% (84) Sibling
12% (35) Other relative
16% (44) Acquaintance
24% (66) Stranger
9% (25) Other

274 voters have answered this question.

Which people OF THE OPPOSITE SEX AS YOU have blackmailed you?

32% (99) Girlfriend/boyfriend
15% (47) Best friend
28% (87) Friend
31% (95) Schoolmate/Co-worker
14% (44) Boss
7% (24) Parent
30% (94) Sibling
16% (50) Other relative
14% (44) Acquaintance
16% (52) Stranger
9% (28) Other

306 voters have answered this question.

What did the people of the SAME SEX AS YOU make you do?

61% (170) Undress
11% (31) Undress, but only to underwear
35% (98) Go outside naked
12% (35) Go outside in underwear
47% (133) Let people of the same sex see you naked
37% (103) Let people of the opposite sex see you naked
15% (43) Let people of the same sex see you in underwear
14% (40) Let people of the opposite sex see you in underwear
17% (49) Pay them
46% (130) Be their slave
52% (145) Have sex with them
29% (82) Have sex with someone else
50% (140) Tied you up
34% (96) Kiss them
38% (107) French kiss them
24% (68) Kiss someone else
25% (71) French kiss someone else
28% (78) Kiss their feet
48% (135) Recieve a spanking
11% (33) Have eggs thrown at you
19% (54) Have water poured on you
23% (64) Other (leave a message so I can add it)

278 voters have answered this question.

What did the people of the OPPOSITE SEX AS YOU make you do?

64% (200) Undress
13% (43) Undress, but only to underwear
36% (112) Go outside naked
11% (35) Go outside in underwear
30% (94) Let people of the same sex see you naked
51% (159) Let people of the opposite sex see you naked
10% (31) Let people of the same sex see you in underwear
15% (49) Let peopel of the opposite sex see you in underwear
18% (57) Pay them
51% (159) Be their slave
55% (170) Have sex with them
35% (109) Have sex with someone else
50% (157) Tied you up
33% (104) Kiss them
35% (110) French kiss them
23% (71) Kiss someone else
23% (71) French kiss someone else
29% (90) Kiss their feet
50% (154) Recieve a spanking
10% (33) Have eggs thrown at you
17% (55) Have water poured on you
17% (55) Other (leave a message so I can add it)

308 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel about it?

26% (103) Hated it, despise the person doing it now.
19% (76) Hated it, but forgave the person doing it.
9% (35) Didn't care that much
16% (65) Liked it
27% (108) Loved it

387 voters have answered this question.

When the people of the SAME SEX AS YOU blackmailed you, did you become sexually aroused?

14% (41) Once, yes.
20% (58) A few times.
41% (118) Every time.
23% (68) Never.

285 voters have answered this question.

When the people of the OPPOSITE SEX AS YOU blackmailed you, did you become sexually aroused?

9% (29) Once, yes.
22% (68) A few times.
53% (163) Every time.
14% (43) Never.

303 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-09-22 13:49:22 by aid
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