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How was the universe created?

Hey kids...I just got inspired to write a silly lil poll about such minor details as the beginnings of the universe, the origins of life, why we are here, and what happens after we die. Just a few random topics for y'all.

1) How certain are you that you know EXACTLY how the universe was created?

22% (91) 1) Absolutely certain. The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.
9% (39) 2) Absolutely certain..for other reasons
9% (39) 3) Somewhat certain
9% (37) 4) Not very certain
10% (43) 5) I have no idea
2% (10) 6) Other
3% (13) 7) Not sure
52% (216) 8) Science provides us with some good insight, but there is still much to learn

411 voters have answered this question.

2) How do you believe the universe was created/who created it? You may choose multiple responses!

39% (167) 1) God
11% (50) 2) Jesus
4% (18) 3) Allah
1% (8) 4) The great mother of all
9% (39) 5) The flying spaghetti monster
2% (12) 6) A curious Manatee
2% (11) 7) An unfortunate void left over by the unorthodox (and dare I say immoral) comingling of a mutant Naegleria Fowleri strain with the infamous "Megahellatron"
13% (58) 8) God created the big bang
0% (2) 9) J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
0% (4) 10) Odin
1% (5) 11) Gaia
0% (3) 12) Coyote
2% (11) 13) Reptillian Space Aliens
3% (13) 14) Dumbo the heartwarming flying elephant
41% (176) 15) The Big Bang
0% (4) 16) The Bosun Higgs Particle
12% (54) 17) The Big Band theory
11% (48) 18) Absolute random chaos
11% (47) 19) Other
19% (80) 20) Not sure
3% (13) 21) The Higgs Boson particle

420 voters have answered this question.

3) How certain are you about your answer(s) in question 2?

31% (129) 1) I know it as a fact!!!
22% (94) 2) Very certain
8% (37) 3) Somewhat certain
6% (25) 4) Not too certain
23% (95) 5) It is the best hypothesis available, but is not set in stone
1% (5) 6) Other
6% (28) 7) Not sure

413 voters have answered this question.

4) Why are we here? You may choose multiple responses.

40% (167) 1) To eat, have sex, and die
8% (33) 2) To make lots and lots and lots of money
12% (49) 3) To make and respond to polls on Misterpoll
28% (115) 4) To live the best and most examplary life so as to please god
28% (117) 5) To help to heal people or do good things for people
13% (57) 6) To help heal the planet
36% (147) 7) To be the best person possible
5% (22) 8) To exploit as much of the planets resources as possible
36% (149) 9) Other
19% (80) 10) Not sure

408 voters have answered this question.

5) What happens after we die (you may choose multiple responses)?

33% (137) 1) We croak over and that's it
33% (136) 2) We get eaten by worms
15% (63) 3) Our soul continues, but I don't know where
2% (12) 4) We enter a world like Telletubby land full of Bunnies and cute round objects
15% (62) 5) We either go to heaven or hell (sometimes waiting for awhile in limbo) where we either get eternal happiness with angels, clouds, and harps, OR eternal burning, torture, wailing and gnashing of teeth if we are bad girlz and boyz
2% (11) 6) 70 virgins!!!
3% (13) 7) We get to swim with the Manatees for eternity
1% (7) 8) If we are REAL good, we get to be an excessively cute and rotund forest spirit like Totoro, live in a tree, help plants grow, AND be able to fly on a cool top OR a Catbus.
10% (44) 9) We get reincarnated, and the end result depends on our Karma
9% (37) 10) Other
18% (75) 11) Not sure
27% (112) 12) We go to heaven or hell, but with a somewhat differant description than the option you gave
13% (56) 13) We enter into another dimension/seperate reality and get into something completely differant

407 voters have answered this question.

6) Do you believe that your viewpoints on all of this are facts or beliefs?

31% (129) 1) Facts
19% (79) 2) Beliefs
42% (173) 3) A mixture of both
2% (11) 4) Other
3% (16) 5) Not sure

408 voters have answered this question.

7) Should the laws of your country be based on your belief system?

21% (85) 1) Yes
23% (94) 2) Somewhat
50% (202) 3) No
1% (7) 4) Other
3% (16) 5) Not sure

404 voters have answered this question.

8) Should schoolchildren in your school system be required to learn about your belief system?

23% (96) 1) Yes
14% (58) 2) Somewhat
29% (119) 3) No
26% (108) 4) It should only be taught as an option for a comparative religion type class
2% (10) 5) Other
2% (12) 6) Not sure

403 voters have answered this question.

9) Finally, what are your religious beliefs?

15% (62) 1) Christian-Evangelical
14% (59) 2) Christian-Protestant..not Evangelical
11% (45) 3) Catholic
1% (7) 4) Mormon
1% (5) 5) Jehovahs Witness
0% (4) 6) Jewish
3% (13) 7) Muslim/Islamic
2% (9) 8) Hindu
3% (15) 9) Buddhist
3% (14) 10) Pagan/Wiccan
1% (8) 11) Animist
5% (21) 12) Humanist
1% (7) 13) Scientologist
0% (4) 14) Moonie
0% (3) 15) Sikh
0% (4) 16) Taoist
0% (4) 17) Shinto
1% (5) 18) Rastafarian
3% (15) 19) Pastafarian
1% (6) 20) Subgenius
1% (6) 21) Discordian
2% (9) 22) Church of the perpetual zombie
8% (33) 23) Other
9% (40) 24) Spiritual but not religious
15% (63) 25) Agnostic
33% (135) 26) Atheist
3% (13) 27) Satanist
9% (37) 28) Not sure

408 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-02-08 22:53:05 by totoro
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