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Catfights and fistfights questions GIRLS ONLY

What is your age?
Have you ever been in a real fistfight with another girl?
If yes was it stopped or went to the finsh?
stopped early
went to the finish with a clear winner
in an honest answer how have you faired?
win most
lose most
have you ever been beaten up? tick all that apply
yes but a close fight
i lost easy, wasnt much of a fight
i got battered, beaten to a pulp and totally 1 sided
have you ever won a fight? tick all that apply
yes but it was close
i won easy and gave her a bit of a pasting
i totally smacked her to death, punching and kicking her till i was done
have you ever fought over a man?
if so did you?
win just after a hard fight
called it a draw
beat the living daylights out of her until she was a mess on the floor
just got beat
in a fight with geemma atkinson how would you do? and be honest
i would take her just
i would easily beat her, no contest
she would just about beat me up
she would punch me to death, i would take a totally 1 sided beating
in a fight with jennifer ellison how would you do? and be honest
i would take her just
i would easily beat her, no contest
she would just about beat me up
she would batter me punching me till i was out cold and bloody
This poll was created on 2009-02-13 22:09:30 by ryanwelford