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Do you say grace before eating?

The title of the poll is sufficient to describe the subject matter.

1. Do you believe that God is the provider of the food which you eat?

37% (42) Yes, absolutely
5% (6) Yes, I kind of think so
6% (7) No, even though I believe in God
7% (8) No, I provide it myself - I buy it/grow it/farm it! (delete as applicable)
37% (42) No - I don't believe in God
2% (3) Maybe, maybe not
1% (2) I simply don't know
1% (2) No opinion

112 voters have answered this question.

2. Do you thank God for your food before you eat?

15% (17) Yes, absolutely always
17% (20) Yes, but sometimes I forget to thank God
4% (5) Yes, sometimes
8% (9) Yes, occasionally
13% (15) No, never, even though I believe in God
41% (46) No, never - I don't believe in God

112 voters have answered this question.

3. When it is right to say grace before eating? (check all that apply)

23% (26) Before you eat anything at all, even a snack or morsel
25% (28) Before main meals only - with snacks and morsels it is not important
25% (29) Before family meals
25% (29) Before special occasion meals
30% (34) When visiting friends who always say grace before eating
15% (17) You should only say grace if you feel like it
9% (11) There is no need to say grace - God does not need to be thanked
42% (48) There is no need to say grace - there is no God to thank!
5% (6) Other answer

112 voters have answered this question.

4. What is the best way to say grace in your opinion?

5% (6) For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen.
3% (4) Lord, thou art the provider. Humbly we thank you for the food set before us today. Amen.
3% (4) Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord for this food which I am about to eat.
26% (30) Any of the above is fine
12% (14) Saying grace is stupid - you bought the food yourself!
31% (35) Saying grace is irrelevant - there is no God to receive the thanks!
1% (2) I don't know
4% (5) No opinion
10% (12) Other answer

112 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-03-20 13:10:04 by Predator
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