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Sunday school class rules

I am going to start being a sunday school teacher for ages 2-4. This is a Christian / Baptist church and it is fairly new. I will be the head teacher and I want to lay down some ground rules but I do not want to be a mean teacher. I am wondering what the parents out there think is a correct set up for running a classroom. I AM very expirenced at teaching (14+ years in the sunday school classroom) and have MUCH expirence with children. However I wonder what the parents would like rather than my own agenda. Answer to your best ablility NO PERVERTS PLEASE, this is a parental poll ONLY. Thank you and God bless
Are you a Christian / Believer?
I believe in God, I don't attend a Church
How many years have you been a Christian?
1+ I am a new believer
2 - 4 I Believe and I am still growing!
4 - 10 I Believe and am pretty mature in my faith!
11 + Call me father Abraham!
How many children do you have?
This isn't John and Kate plus 8! please stop it!
IF you were to sit in a childrens classroom. what would you prefer (Remember this is a 2-4 year old classroom)
I would like order. Things arranged a certian way, toys orderly, and time to be perfection. 15 min of playing, 20 min of singing, 15 min of bible verse, snack time, play time, movie time, and pick up. Every week the same to prevent chaos.
I would like order, but not a set order. Keep things spontaneous, randomize the different things you do, but still keep it a legit pace and orderly. No chaos just no set schedule.
Let them run around and When you feel like a certian activity, do it. Afterall you want them to have fun.
I have my own Idea, Email me please :)
Scenario: Suzie is usually a good girl and is a wonderful child. However she has come into the room crying and bawling her eyes out. Mom states that she just had a rough night and is cranky and tired. The head teacher holds her and she calms down, but the second the teacher tries to put her down she screams. This makes things hard for the teacher, and it makes it even harder for the other children because It seems like she is getting more attention. Would this bother you if you thought your child was the one getting stiffed on the fun?
Yes the teacher should put her down and let her cry it out
No the teacher is doing their job and its wonderful they try harder to get everything done for everyone with a child in their arms
The teacher should hand the child off to a fellow helper, even if the girl screams let the helper take care of it, its their job afterall.
Brandon is a problem child. Even worse are his parents. They seem so detached and never discipline him. Even if you do not agree with physical disicipine or not, Brandon is a spoiled rotten brat. He is causing all sorts of trouble. What should the teacher do to help the situation? (NOTE! SPANKING IS NOT AN OPTION IN THE CLASSROOM WHETHER YOU BELEIVE IN IT OR NOT!) Trust me, I also wish it was but it is not.
The next time the parents pick him up, pull them aside and tell them that if brandon doesnt start behaving, he is not welcome in the classroom
Ignore it, you are only a sunday school teacher, not a parent. Its not your concern.
Pawn Him off on a teachers aid, thats what they are good for.
Other, Email me :)
I As a teacher fully incorporate Corner time / Time out into my regime. If you were a parent and you saw an alocated spot for time outs would you...
Be upset
Be happy
wouldn't pay any mind because your child would never do anything wrong
Do you beleive that Time outs IN THE CLASSROOM not at home, should be
sitting on a chair facing the wall
sitting on a chair facing the class
standing facing the wall
standing facing the class
sitting on the floor facing the class
sitting on the floor facing the wall
I personally believe time outs should be 2 min x childs age. Is ok?
Its perfect
too lenient
too harsh
For the two year olds I have a diaper changing table (and yes even some 4 year olds still wear diapers) would you as a parent be uncomfortable having men change diapers? (NOTE all teachers must go through an extensive background check and pre screening)
I dont really care either way
Should only women be sunday school teachers?
No thats SEXISM
I dont really care either way
Last question: Would you ever let the sunday school teacher swat your child? This is not a question you have to answer
heck no!
yes sure
This poll was created on 2009-04-12 00:25:35 by Papakevin