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Psychological Research (FOR Women)

This poll is part of a research, that I am conducting for my thesis on Psychology. It is only intended for women. Basically, you are to answer what is the most preferrable. desired or important quality that you look for in a male counterpart.
When looking for a potential counterpart, a Man, which of his following traits or qualities, do you most focus on; or take into consideration; or prefer; or most attracted to/desire ; or is most important to you. (Only tick the ones that you prefer/desire) Note: Your Identity shall remain anonymous in this poll. Please answer these questions truthfully.
Dominance (He is dominant over you)
Compatibility(Is he compatible with you?)
Preselected (Is sought after by other girls)
Sense of Fashion (the way he dresses)
Commitment (His commitment to you)
Facial Appearance (His face) [Part of Physical Looks]
Health (If he is healthy)
Stability(Is he stable?)
Physical Size (His weight,height) [Part of Physical Looks]
Dependability (Is he dependable?)
Hair (Hairstyle, hair color)
Social Status(fame, popularity, position)
This poll was created on 2009-05-14 10:49:23 by Melvin.poh.616