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Jumping in the water..

... ok I guess i did this wrong the first time.I'll try again. The golf team my husband coaches won a big tournament last month, There was a pond close to the 18th hole, and he and some people jumped in it for celebration. I was wearing a long summer dress and sandals, but in excitement I waded in the pond to give my husband a hug. The way he came up to me I thought he was going to dunk me under, so on a whim I swam underwater and flipped myself , then swam the backstroke across the entire pond! There's another tournament coming up, if they win should I...
Jumping in the water
A try to avoid being in the pond at all
B do what I did last time, the crowd was roaring when I swam across the pond.
C just do a cannonball in the pond/lake
D Not only jump/dive in, but try to pull someone in with me.
B Do what I did last time. the crowd that was there was roaring as I was swimming across the pond last time.
C kind if wade in
D Cannonball in the water and maybe pull someone in with me
This poll was created on 2009-06-06 12:53:25 by KatieD