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Have you ever found a shoe

Have you ever found a lost or abandoned shoe? What did you do with it? We've all seen the pics on Webshots, Flickr, Youtube, etc.
Are you male or female?
Have you ever come across lost/abandoned/unattended shoes? (not just observed from a vehicle in transit)
If you have, did you.... If you haven't would you have....... (check all that apply)
Left it alone
Check it out and left it there
Picked it up and took it with you
Try it on
Tried it on, but it didn't fit :(
Have someone with you that tried it on (you can continue poll for them)
Someone else tried it on and you tried on theirs
Did you find...
A single shoe
More than one single shoe
A pair or pairs of shoes
If you tried it on, did you (check all that apply)
Check it out or played with it for a bit, and left it
Take it off and took it with you
Take it off at first but went back for it later on (answer the next question)
Keep wearing it and took your shoe with you
Keep wearing it and leave your shoe behind
Wear it and you only had one shoe when you found it.
Wear it and you had no shoes when you found it.
Have it on in a social situation (club, party, etc.) and ended up wearing it home
If you went back for it later, did you (check all that apply)
Go back and pick it up and take it
Put it on, taking your shoe with you
Put it on, leaving your shoe behind
Only had one shoe, put it on and wear it
Abandon your shoe and go back for it with one shoe on and wear it
Hide/keep your shoe elsewhere and go back for it with one shoe on and wear it
Go back for it later with just one shoe on and wear it
Go back for it later with no shoes on and wear it
Break or lose your shoe and wore it to replace yours
Break or lose your shoe on purpose to go back for it
Went back but it was gone :(
After wearing a shoe you found or a pair have you ever...
Abandoned it and put yours back on
Abandoned it somewhere else and had only one shoe to wear
Abandoned your shoe and wore just the found one.
Took one off and walked with one shoe and kept it
Went back for your shoe and it was gone, so you kept it on
Went back for your shoe and it was gone, but abandoned your found shoe anyway
Found another abandoned shoe, took off the first one and wore the second one
Found another abandoned shoe for the other foot and wore it too
Swapped it with someone else and you got their shoe instead
Let someone else try it on who kept it and had no shoe to wear
Abandoned a pair and put yours back on
Abandoned a pair and went shoe-less
Lost it and had only one shoe :(
Lost it and was shoe-less :(
Would you wear one or have you worn one from the opposite sex?
Maybe if it looked unisex
If you've never found one before and you did in the future would you consider keeping it?
Not sure
Have you found and kept shoes more than once?
Only tried them on or played with them
If you have found/rescued shoes you kept, have you worn them again? (check all that apply)
Yes, inside at home as a house/slipper/play shoe
Yes, worn outside as a single everyday shoe
Yes, wear it going out as a single clubbing or party shoe
Yes, wear it as a driving shoe
Yes, worn outside as a mismatched pair
Yes, found a pair of shoes
Not yet, keeping it as a spare in case mine is lost
No, discarded it or added to my collection
No, but someone else has
What kind of shoes have you found and kept?
Heels- pumps and sandals
Mary Janes-T straps-cross strap shoes
Oxfords-tie shoes
Boots-shoe boots
This poll was created on 2009-06-16 14:43:36 by OneShoeOff