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Dirty College Football Recruiting

Much has been made of the recruiting and NCAA violations in Basketball with Memphis and USC. Football violations seem to move slower. What do you think about dirty programs.

Which program is the dirtiest recruiting program in the FCS.

40% (4) 1. Southern Cal
0% (0) 2. Texas
10% (1) 3. Florida State
0% (0) 4. Ohio State
10% (1) 5. Tennessee
20% (2) 6. Florida
0% (0) 7. Oklahoma
10% (1) 8. Michigan
0% (0) 9. UCLA
10% (1) 10. Other- Please name

10 voters have answered this question.

While some programs have been disciplined for problems once they are recruited like Alabama, who plays more games in the recruiting process.

50% (5) 1. Pete Carroll-USC
0% (0) 2. Mack Brown- Texas
10% (1) 3. Urban Meyer- Florida
0% (0) 4. Charlie Weis- Notre Dame
0% (0) 5. Bobby Bowden- Florida State
10% (1) 6. Jim Tressel- Ohio State
0% (0) 7. Les Miles- LSU
0% (0) 8. Nick Saban- Alabama
20% (2) 9. Butch Davis- North Carolina
10% (1) 10. Other- Please name

10 voters have answered this question.

Next Program to get sanctions against them for recruiting violations.

60% (6) 1. USC
20% (2) 2. Tennessee
0% (0) 3. Florida State
20% (2) 4. Other- please name them

10 voters have answered this question.

Will USC ever get sanctions for the Reggie Bush debacle?

30% (3) 1. No- they will get off scott free
30% (3) 2. Yes- minor infractions
30% (3) 3. Yes- Major Infractions
10% (1) 4. Yes- Death Penalty

10 voters have answered this question.

Which team, if any, will forfeit a National Title due to these violations.

20% (2) 1. Florida-2008
10% (1) 2. LSU-2007
0% (0) 3. Florida- 2006
10% (1) 4. Texas-2005
30% (3) 5. USC-2004
30% (3) 6. OTHER

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-06-21 19:16:56 by goingbonkers
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