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not wearing underwear ( Teen Girls only)

when are you not wearing underwear
If you absolutetly had no choice, what item would u NOT wear underwear with?
Baggy pants
Tight pants
Long skirt
Short skirt
I would avoid it at all costs
Do you always wear underwear?
All the time
Only if I feel like it
Not at all
Do you always wear a bra?
Only with tight shirts
Only with baggy shirts
Only during the day
All the time
If you were wearing a short skirt and your thong broke, what would you do?
Take if off and go free
Tape it back up with duct tape
Just let it be
Call your parent for a new one
Borrow one off of someone wearing pants
If you ever go without underwear, why?
I have no clean ones
It's more comfortable
I want attention
It's too hot
To avoid panty lines
Other (post in message board why)
When you go without underwear, has anyone ever noticed?
Yes, and I like it when they do
Yes, but it was embarrassing
No, at least I hope not
No, but I'm trying
I'm not sure
Have you ever purposely showed "something" off?
Yes, my chest
Yes, more south than my chest
Yes, my backside
No, but I intend to in the near future
No, but I will on my honeymoon
No, but I'm trying
No, and never intend to
Have you ever went to school without underwear or a bra?
Yes, once or a few times without underwear
Yes, once or a few times without my bra
Yes, a few times without either
No, I always a bra and underwear
I never wear a bra or underwear
will you leave a post on the message board?
will you leave a post on the message board?
This poll was created on 2003-08-14 23:02:50 by z1