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American History Overview

I will give a variety of questions concerning American History.
What was the first permanent British settlement in North America?
St. Augustine
New London
What was the first constitution of the United States?
Articles of Confederation
The Connecticut Resolution
Treaty of Versailles
Magna Carta
The United States Constitution
When did the American Civil war begin?
What is the main issue of the Zenger case?
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Assembly
Right to make cakes
Freedom of the Press
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
Samuel Adams
John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Who is considered the Father of the Constitution?
James Madison
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
George Washington
Who led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry and killed 5 pro-slavery settlers at Pottawatamie Creek in Kansas?
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
John Brown
Jack Black
Fred Thompson
Which was not a cause of the Great Depression?
People overspeculating in the Stock Market
There was a great amount of money seperating the poor from the rich
Election of Herbert Hoover to the presidency
Banks loaning too much money to people
Overproduction of goods
Where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?
Jefferson Theatre, Richmond, Virgina
Franklin Theatre, Phildelphia,Pennsylvania
Pontiac Theatre, Washington D.C.
Ford's Theatre, Washington D.C.
National Theatre, Washington D.C.
Under which act would applicants receive 150 acres of land at cost and had to farm the land 5 years in a row, live there 6 months out of the year, and build a house of a minimal size?
Land for All Act
Agricultural Incentive Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Homestead Act
The New Deal
The "battle" at which place sparked the American Civil War?
Fort Sumtner
Fort Sumter
Fort Summer
Fort Sumner
Fort Ducaine
The massacre that killed 200 Sioux, ended the Indian Wars, and killed Chief Bigfoot was called what?
Battle of the Black Hills
Battle of the Rosebud
Battle of Little Bighorn
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Wounded Knee
The horrors of the meat packing industry were detailed though in great exaggeration in this book?
Meaty Darwin
The Truth About Meat
Meat Anyone?
The Disasters of Poltical Machines
The Jungle
Laissez-faire means what?
None of the Above
"Hands off" (no restrictions or control over the economy)
Government owns everything
"Hands on" (limited restrictions and control over economy)
Partial control over economy
What term did Mark Twain coin describing the post Reconstruction era?
Progressive Era
Pax Americana
Gilded Age
Era of Good Feelings
None of the Above
Who was the president of the Confederacy?
Abraham Lincoln
Jefefrson Davis
Robert E. Lee
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Name the main General of World War I
Dwight Eisenhower
John Pershing
Norman Mclean
George Patton
Joseph Ophelias
Who patented the cotton gin which made slavery profitable?
Eli Whitney
Elijah Lovejoy
Robert Fulton
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Alva Edison
What was the first battle of the American Civil War?
Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Cold Harbour
Battle of Bull Run
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of Vicksburg
What was the name of the organization created by Woodrow Wilson to attempt to maintain peace after World War I
Global Peace-Keeping (GPK)
United Nations (UN)
League of Nations
None of the Above
League of Countries
Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania?
Benjamin Franklin
John Mason
James Oglethorpe
William Penn
Roger Williams
This poll was created on 2009-07-07 21:57:27 by misterpoll 87