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Mental, Physical, Sexual Abuse Are you a Victim?

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Many people have been victimized by abuse, it could be handed down from generations. Can the cycle be broken, can the abuse be stopped or controlled?

Have you ever been a victim of Physical abuse?

83% (140) Yes
16% (28) No

168 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been Sexually abused?

85% (149) Yes
14% (26) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been a victim of mental abuse?

82% (138) Yes
17% (30) No

168 voters have answered this question.

If yes to Physical abuse, who does it to you?

54% (77) Parents beat me
7% (10) Girlfriend hits me
4% (6) Boyfriend hits me
3% (5) Gay lover
1% (2) Grandparents beat me
8% (12) A Bully
20% (29) other

141 voters have answered this question.

What type of Physical abuse?

5% (7) Usually Punched
6% (9) Slaps
16% (23) Smacks on butt
1% (2) Drunkin Rages'
0% (0) flicked all the time
0% (1) pushed down stairs
21% (29) 2-3 of above
8% (11) 4-7 of above
34% (47) all of above
5% (7) Hit with random objects

136 voters have answered this question.

If yes to Sexual Abuse, who did/does it?

30% (46) Parent
8% (12) relative
5% (8) neighbor
7% (11) friend
10% (16) bully
0% (1) son/daughter
2% (3) grandparent
6% (10) teacher
1% (2) church personnel
12% (19) child care personnel
2% (3) hospital personnel
12% (18) other

149 voters have answered this question.

If Sexual abuse, what type?

51% (76) Sodomy
12% (19) touching
8% (13) penal
9% (14) vaginal
6% (9) oral
1% (2) just comments
10% (16) other

149 voters have answered this question.

If Mental Abuse, who did/does it to you?

3% (5) Boyfriend
5% (7) Girlfriend
16% (23) mother
34% (48) father
1% (2) grandparents
1% (2) friend
12% (17) bully
4% (6) neighbor
21% (30) other

140 voters have answered this question.

If Mental abuse, what type?

7% (10) Name calling
7% (10) self esteem issue
2% (3) headgames
3% (5) tells you no one cares for you
1% (2) says you will never be anything
21% (30) all of the above
56% (79) all of the above and more

139 voters have answered this question.

If you have been abused, does it change your outlook on how to raise a child?

50% (81) Most definitely
15% (25) kinda
7% (12) Not really
17% (28) No
9% (16) Yes

162 voters have answered this question.

Have you decided not to have your own children, partially because of the abuse you went through?

42% (68) Yes
33% (53) No
16% (27) Not sure
6% (11) Kinda

159 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever found yourself abusing others as you where abused without control?

46% (74) Unfortunately, It has happened
46% (75) Never
6% (11) yes

160 voters have answered this question.

Are you ever have problems with depression?

64% (103) yes
18% (29) no
17% (28) sometimes

160 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever think about suicide?

32% (52) Yes
32% (53) No
29% (47) sometimes
6% (10) all the time

162 voters have answered this question.

If you do think about suicide, how often ?

16% (24) Every single day
2% (4) Every other day
4% (6) 3 times a week
21% (31) once a week
11% (17) once a month
4% (7) once every 3 months
0% (0) every 6 months
2% (4) once a year
11% (16) just once or twice
24% (35) never

144 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-10-09 00:53:45 by wiznizard1
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