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Best Practices in the Wealth Management Industry

This is a survey / poll to find out the opinion of the CRMs and Senior Managers on the best practices in the Wealth Management Industry.

What are the most important factors driving your organizations brand value?

56% (22) History / Tradtion
17% (7) Client Relationship Managers [CRM]
12% (5) Client Base
10% (4) Products
2% (1) Others

39 voters have answered this question.

Percentage of products currently produced in-house by your company

5% (2) All products are third-party sourced
30% (12) 1% - 33%
35% (14) 31% - 66%
17% (7) 67% - 99%%
10% (4) All products are produced In-house

39 voters have answered this question.

In your opinion as a core employee , by what percentage can your organization cut its operating costs?

20% (8) 0% - 5%
61% (24) 6% - 10%
12% (5) 11% - 15%
5% (2) > 15%

39 voters have answered this question.

What criteria does your organization use to segment its client base? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

69% (27) Current Asset
66% (26) Potential Asset
48% (19) Geography [e.g: NRI, UK Expats, Arabs etc]
20% (8) Investment Style
56% (22) Risk Profile of Client
17% (7) Company's profitability from the Client
20% (8) Product mix usage
51% (20) Age / Life style

39 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following are the most important strategic areas on which your company spends maximum time? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

74% (29) Client Retention
87% (34) Client Acquisition
64% (25) Risk Management
53% (21) Improvement in Profitability
41% (16) Cost reduction
43% (17) Investment Performance
10% (4) Acquisition of Key Staff
2% (1) Retention of Key Staff
25% (10) Entry into New Markets

39 voters have answered this question.

How has the current economic crisis impacted on your company? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

66% (26) Asset reduction
48% (19) Head count reduction
15% (6) This is an opportunity to grow strategically
43% (17) Budget-cuts across the board
56% (22) Client attrition
12% (5) Business disinvestment

39 voters have answered this question.

Given the current global economic crisis, what have been your organisation’s tactics to retain clients? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

71% (28) Increased client contact directly by CRMs
53% (21) Increase in advice to clients / portfolio rebalancing
30% (12) Increase in reporting and research information to clients
58% (23) Investment in services to clients
25% (10) Marketing the ‘flight to quality’ of our organisation
28% (11) Educational events for clients
38% (15) Reduction in fees charged to clients

39 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following best describes your business model?

46% (18) Advice-led model (fully open architecture)
28% (11) Both producer and distributor models
17% (7) Primarily producer-led model
7% (3) Primarily distributor-led model

39 voters have answered this question.

What do youconsider to be your organization current top differentiating factors?

23% (9) Strength of client relationships
28% (11) Brand value
2% (1) Quality of CRMs
33% (13) Provision of comprehensive, integrated wealth management planning approach for clients
10% (4) Access to best of breed open architecture products
2% (1) Global presence and knowledge
0% (0) Investment performance

39 voters have answered this question.

How important do you, as business head, rate the following product/ service offerings in terms of serving your clients ?

0 voters have answered this question.

Tax and estate planning

12% (5) Very Unimportant
12% (5) Unimportant
56% (22) Important
17% (7) Very Important

39 voters have answered this question.

Trust and fiduciary services

7% (3) Very Unimportant
20% (8) Unimportant
15% (6) Important
56% (22) Very important

39 voters have answered this question.

New investments

2% (1) Very Unimportant
5% (2) Unimportant
33% (13) Important
58% (23) Very Important

39 voters have answered this question.

Sustainability investments

0% (0) Very Unimportant
2% (1) Unimportant
17% (7) Important
79% (31) Very Important

39 voters have answered this question.

Shariah products and advice

28% (11) Very Unimportant
46% (18) Unimportant
20% (8) Important
5% (2) Very Important

39 voters have answered this question.

In your opinion what are the areas of greatest weakness for your organization CRMs?

15% (6) Lack of ability to adjust to change quickly
5% (2) Lack of client relationship skills
17% (7) Lack of understanding of risk
25% (10) Lack of global experience
0% (0) Lack of business experience
2% (1) Lack of product knowledge
23% (9) Lack of ability to lead others
0% (0) Lack of understanding of tax issues
10% (4) Lack of ability to collaborate

39 voters have answered this question.

In which of the following areas would you, as CRM, like to receive further training over the next 12 months? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

10% (4) Softer skills including client handling
38% (15) Softer skills including client handling
35% (14) Taxation updates
35% (14) Inter-generational wealth transfer
20% (8) Financial markets updates
53% (21) Product training
46% (18) Strategy update
46% (18) Compliance and regulatory updates

39 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following criteria in the are the most important measurement of your performance as CRM? [Tick on multiple options if applicable]

69% (27) Growth of assets under management
66% (26) Meeting revenue targets
69% (27) Number of new clients
61% (24) Client satisfaction with service of the CRM
56% (22) Client retention levels
15% (6) Cross-selling of other products / services
5% (2) Investment performance
61% (24) Complaint levels
28% (11) Number and volume of transactions

39 voters have answered this question.

What are the top objectives for your organization currently ?

35% (14) Supporting and enabling business growth
10% (4) Cost reduction through enhanced efficiency
15% (6) Risk management
38% (15) Becoming more customer-orientated
0% (0) Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance
0% (0) Increasing organisational change agility
0% (0) Setting up new operations/branches

39 voters have answered this question.

In an average month you spent maximum time , as CRM, on which the following activities?

28% (11) Contact with existing clients
58% (23) Marketing and prospecting
7% (3) Administration and error resolution
2% (1) Portfolio management
0% (0) Compliance
2% (1) Investment research and analysis
0% (0) Training

39 voters have answered this question.

What do you believe will be the top drivers to risk management over the next two years?

46% (18) Loss prevention and governance reporting
51% (20) Changes in regulatory requirements / developments
35% (14) Increasing / changing client expectations and demands
43% (17) Perceived increase in risk
10% (4) Head office / parent requirement
41% (16) Reaction to an industry trend
25% (10) Reaction to external loss events
5% (2) Need for increased capital requirements
30% (12) Perceived source of competitive advantage
15% (6) Increased incidence of losses internally

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-07-23 20:48:54 by Rahul Nair
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