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Making a protagonist for a story or movie

This is a poll for what people like to see in qualities of a story's protagonist.

If you were to make the perfect protagonist, male or female, young or old, what color would they be?

69% (23) White, in general
3% (1) Black, in general
6% (2) Unmistakably a mix of both white and black
0% (0) Unmistakably yellow/oriental
3% (1) Unmistakably red/Native American
3% (1) Unmistakably Hispanic/Latino
0% (0) Unmistakably Pacific Islander
15% (5) Unmistakably none of the above, but other

33 voters have answered this question.

What color hair and eyes would your character have?

6% (2) Blonde hair, blue eyes
3% (1) Blonde hair, green eyes
3% (1) Blonde hair, black or brown eyes
13% (4) Brown hair, blue eyes
10% (3) Brown hair, green eyes
20% (6) Brown hair, black or brown eyes
3% (1) Black hair, blue eyes
6% (2) Black hair, green eyes
13% (4) Black hair, black or brown eyes
6% (2) Red hair, blue eyes
3% (1) Red hair, green eyes
3% (1) Red hair, black or brown eyes
3% (1) White hair, blue or green eyes
3% (1) White hair, black or brown eyes
0% (0) Grey hair, blue or green eyes
0% (0) Grey hair, black or brown eyes
0% (0) No hair, blue or green eyes
0% (0) No hair, black or brown eyes

30 voters have answered this question.

How old would your character be?

0% (0) A small child throughout the story
9% (3) A small child at first, but a kid no older than mid-teens, later
3% (1) A small child at first, but ages into an adult somewhere in the story
3% (1) A kid no older than mid-teens throughout the story
12% (4) A kid who ages into an adult sometime in the story
12% (4) A teenager throughout the story
30% (10) A teenager who ages into an adult sometime in the story
30% (10) An adult throughout the story

33 voters have answered this question.

Which of these would your character be?

3% (1) Non-aggressive in any way, even if the situation demands it
25% (8) Preferably not a fighter, but steps in to fight for some time at some point or another
28% (9) Doesn't mind fighting, and does sometime in the story
37% (12) Likes fighting at least a little
6% (2) The story does not require actual conflict

32 voters have answered this question.

Your character would be:

72% (24) Male
27% (9) Female
0% (0) Both, or has been one of each
0% (0) Neither. Never has been either.

33 voters have answered this question.

Which would your character be?

0% (0) Physically weak
3% (1) Thin and could be notably stronger
12% (4) Thin, but in average shape
18% (6) Notably thin, but in great shape
27% (9) Average build and average strength
9% (3) Average build, but in great shape
12% (4) Somewhat thin, but muscular
9% (3) Somewhat larger than average, but fit and notably strong
3% (1) Fit, and extremely muscular
3% (1) A little overweight, but in decent, average shape
3% (1) A little overweight, but not exactly fit
0% (0) A little overweight, but notably strong
0% (0) Notably overweight, and not fit
0% (0) Notably overweight, but also notably strong

33 voters have answered this question.

Which of these would your character be? Check all that apply.

45% (15) Averagely emotional
21% (7) Notably emotional
15% (5) Notably unemotional
36% (12) Dark, but confident
9% (3) Dark, but not often confident
21% (7) Cheerful and confident
24% (8) Cheerful, but not always confident
24% (8) Of average intelligence
33% (11) Of somewhat above-average intelligence
30% (10) Of superior intelligence (excluding wit)
18% (6) Of average cleverness
39% (13) As far as cleverness goes, they have their moments
21% (7) Of notably superior cleverness

33 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about notably young protagonists?

9% (3) A child younger than seven can absolutely not be the protagonist throughout the story.
15% (5) A child younger than seven could be the protagonist, but absolutely not be one in an action-based story.
15% (5) It would be difficult for a child younger than seven to be a successful protagonist, even in a non-action-based story.
51% (17) If you know what you're doing, a child younger than seven may possibly make a good protagonist in either an action-based or non-action-based story.
3% (1) A child younger than seven would be new, but it would make a great protagonist in a non-action-based story.
6% (2) A child younger than seven may be new, but it may make a great protagonist even in an action-based story.

33 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about notably older protagonists?

6% (2) An adult older than 60 should not be a protagonist.
12% (4) An adult older than 60 may possibly be a protagonist, but not in an action-based story.
56% (18) If you know what you're doing, an adult older than 60 could make a good protagonist, even in an action-based story.
9% (3) An adult older than 60 would be new, but it may make a great protagonist in a non-action-based story.
15% (5) An adult older than 60 would be new, but it may make a great protagonist even in an action-based story.

32 voters have answered this question.

Do you like realistic characters, or fantasy-oriented ones?

24% (8) Completely realistic
27% (9) A small amount of fantasy is fine
36% (12) Fantasy-styling is good for some characters in a story
6% (2) Heavy fantasy is good for some stories
6% (2) I prefer fantasy-oriented characters

33 voters have answered this question.

(I know there's a limited selection here, but) if you recognize these T.V shows, which of these shows' cast's attitudes and responses fascinate you the most? DO NOT JUST CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE SHOW. Choose your favorite attitude set.

9% (3) Dragonball Z's
3% (1) Pokemon's
3% (1) Batman's
6% (2) Spider-Man's
16% (5) Star Wars'
9% (3) Transformers'
16% (5) Harry Potter's
9% (3) Lord of the Rings'
6% (2) Naruto's
9% (3) Pirates of the Carribean's
6% (2) South Park's
0% (0) Family Guy's
3% (1) Robot Chicken's
0% (0) The Simpsons'
0% (0) Reno 911's

31 voters have answered this question.

If you were making the perfect story, would you want to make it kid-friendly?

25% (8) No. In order for it to be perfect, it needs to contain content that kids should never see/read. It is not important that kids be influenced by this story.
67% (21) Kind of. In order for it to be perfect, it needs some content that is questionable, but it should not ruin kids if they see/read it.
3% (1) Yes. Kids should be able to see/read it, but it's not necessary that they do.
3% (1) Absolutely. In order for this story to be perfect, kids should see/read it, and be influenced by it.

31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-07-27 15:12:07 by MTPrower
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