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Runescape Poll

A poll about runescape

Do you like runescape?

79% (19) Yes
8% (2) No
0% (0) What is a runescape?
12% (3) No i like the dumb game called world of warcraft!

24 voters have answered this question.

Are you addicted to it?

33% (8) YES!!!
41% (10) no
25% (6) Sorta

24 voters have answered this question.

What is you're level?

8% (2) 3-10
0% (0) 11-20
4% (1) 21-30
8% (2) 31-40
4% (1) 41-50
4% (1) 51-60
12% (3) 61-70
58% (14) 71+

24 voters have answered this question.

What armour do you wear?

0% (0) Bronze or iron
0% (0) Steel
0% (0) Black or white
4% (1) Mithril
8% (2) Adamant
29% (7) Rune
20% (5) Dragon
8% (2) Bondos
29% (7) Other

24 voters have answered this question.

Did you enjoy this poll (better say yes)

41% (10) Yes
8% (2) Yes
4% (1) Yes
45% (11) YES!!!

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-08-03 01:35:59 by Zezima536
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