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Women crying

I have seen a difference in the reaction on men and women when they cry; I am getting further details and isolating genders for easier readings

Age range:

4% (4) Preteen
43% (38) 13-19
31% (27) 20-29
11% (10) 30-39
4% (4) 40-49
4% (4) 50+

87 voters have answered this question.

Country of origin

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87 voters have answered this question.

When you cry, do you prefer to be alone, or with someone to support and listen to you?

36% (32) I must be completely alone when crying
35% (31) I prefer to be alone, but I feel comfortable with parents or boyfriend/partner are present when I cry
5% (5) I like to have my parents support me when crying
27% (24) I like my boyfriend/partner to hold me and wipe my tears when I cry
6% (6) I'd rather cry in front of strangers, whom I might never see again, than in front of friends
8% (7) I like friends near me when I cry
13% (12) I am not ashamed to cry in public

87 voters have answered this question.

When did you last cry?

45% (40) Less than a day ago
22% (20) About a week ago
13% (12) About a month ago
6% (6) Between 1 and 6 months
4% (4) Between 7 and 12 months
5% (5) More than a year ago

87 voters have answered this question.

What triggered the tears?

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87 voters have answered this question.

What did you do when you started to cry?

49% (43) I stood were I was
34% (30) I went to find a place to be alone
11% (10) I ran to the bathroom to hide while crying
4% (4) I searched for someone to hold and comfort me while I cried

87 voters have answered this question.

For how long did you cry?

27% (24) Less than 5 minutes
33% (29) Between 5 and 15 minutes
16% (14) Between 16 and 30 minutes
4% (4) Between 31 and 45 minutes
1% (1) Between 46 and 60 minutes
4% (4) More than 1 hour
12% (11) On and off over a recurring period

87 voters have answered this question.

How intense did you cry?

3% (3) There was lump in my throat
14% (13) Tears stung my eyes
5% (5) I had very watery eyes, tears about to overflow
36% (32) Tears were coursing down my face
39% (34) I was sobbing and trembling

87 voters have answered this question.

What did you do when you felt the tears?

5% (5) I did not shed tears
11% (10) I covered my face to hide tears
17% (15) I directly wiped my eyes to prevent tears from falling
4% (4) I wiped the tears as soon as they started to fall
29% (26) I occasionally wiped the tears that were coursing down my face
31% (27) I allowed tears to streak my cheeks unabashedly and unchecked

87 voters have answered this question.

How many people were present?

45% (40) None
34% (30) 1
4% (4) 2
2% (2) 3
5% (5) 4
2% (2) Between 5 and 9
4% (4) More than 10

87 voters have answered this question.

Who was present?

14% (13) Mother
6% (6) Father
4% (4) Brother
9% (8) Sister
4% (4) Other family member(Male)
9% (8) Other family member(Female)
20% (18) Boyfriend/Husband
4% (4) Friend(Male)
12% (11) Friend(Female)
9% (8) Stranger(Male)
8% (7) Stranger(Female)
42% (37) Other

87 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel when crying?

27% (24) Relief
6% (6) Happiness
3% (3) Satisfaction
1% (1) Delight
6% (6) Touched
60% (53) Sadness
22% (20) Anger
27% (24) Shame
28% (25) Guilt
22% (20) Fear
32% (28) Frustration
25% (22) Stress
9% (8) Impotence
26% (23) Humiliation
13% (12) Other

87 voters have answered this question.

How did people react towards you crying?

42% (37) Nobody was present
10% (9) Pretended not to notice
11% (10) Became angry
6% (6) embarrassed for me crying
21% (19) Consoled me verbally
21% (19) Held me/Hugged me while I cried
10% (9) He/She wiped my tears
1% (1) Stopped being nasty
6% (6) Became warmer
9% (8) Other

87 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel afterwards?

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87 voters have answered this question.

On average, how often do you cry?

6% (6) Daily
18% (16) Once a week
25% (22) Once every few weeks
20% (18) Once every few months
4% (4) Once a year
4% (4) Less than once a year
19% (17) Other

87 voters have answered this question.

Do you cry openly, or hide your tears?

8% (7) I usually don't shed tears
18% (16) I usually cover my face with my hands to hide tears
16% (14) I usually wipe eyes so no tears fall
13% (12) I usually wipe tears as soon as they start to fall
21% (19) I occasionally wipe the tears streaking my cheeks
21% (19) I usually don't bother to wipe my tears as they make their way down my face freely and unheeded

87 voters have answered this question.

How many tears do you shed when you cry?

8% (7) I don't shed tears, wet eyes at most
5% (5) Very watery eyes with perhaps one or two tears
17% (15) A few tears
51% (45) A steady flow of tears
17% (15) Tears burst and overflow my cheeks as soon as I start to cry

87 voters have answered this question.

Crying characteristics...

14% (13) I make no sound when I cry
42% (37) I make very little sound, voice a bit shaky
24% (21) I can't speak, breathing in gasps
18% (16) I cry loudly, sobbing and trembling

87 voters have answered this question.

Where were you last time you cried?

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87 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-08-30 16:09:36 by Lover of Wisdom
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