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Your favorite sports

A poll to find out the likes and dislikes of favorite sports
What is your favorite sport?
Ice hockey
Not into sports that much
What is your opinion on VIOLENCE IN SPORTS?
I can take it or leave it because it doesn't bother me
I hate it, it's deplorable and it should be banned
Not sure
No opinion
Do you feel violence in sports should be banned outright?
Yes I do
No, it's just part of the game
It depends
Not sure
No opinion
How would you rate "ice hockey" as a sport?
It's great, I love it!
Not my type of sport
I can take it or leave it
Not sure
No opinion
Would you say "Pro Wrestling" is sport or entertainment?
Are you kidding me? Definately entertainment
Definately sport
A little bit of both
Who cares what it is, it's stupid!
Not sure
NO opinion
This poll was created on 2009-09-09 18:37:28 by Rainbow Ray