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The Jews

No other religion has had so much controversy in it history ,what do you think?

Your Age

31% (24) 15-20
23% (18) 20-30
15% (12) 30-40
9% (7) 40-50
19% (15) 50-60

76 voters have answered this question.

You are

86% (66) Male
13% (10) Female

76 voters have answered this question.

Today's Jewish people are

18% (14) The decedents of the Israelites from the Bible
11% (9) God's chosen people
50% (38) People from different ethnic backgrounds practicing the Jewish faith
19% (15) People that have nothing to do with the Jews of the Bible.

76 voters have answered this question.

What do you know about the Jewish faith?

31% (24) Not much, I feel a need to know more
13% (10) Do not know, do not care
5% (4) The less I know the better.
50% (38) I am very familiar with the Jewish faith

76 voters have answered this question.

I think that it is true that the Jews are

10% (8) Part of a world Jewish plot
17% (13) Greedy people
14% (11) Untrustworthy
15% (12) Have secrets between themselves against the other faiths.
46% (35) Overly prosecuted minority
25% (19) Fighters for human rights
23% (18) Above average intelligent
68% (52) Just humans living on plant earth like the rest of us.

76 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever met a Jew.and I yes are you close ?

22% (17) Yes I have ,but no friendship between us
31% (24) Yes ,I have we are just casual friends.
28% (22) Yes I have and my best friend happens to be Jewish
5% (4) No, and hope I never do
11% (9) No,but would not bother me if I did

76 voters have answered this question.

If you found out that the person you fell in love with was Jewish , what would you do?

76% (58) Go with what my heart tells me to do
11% (9) Would need time to think about it,but probably go with my heart
2% (2) Sadly end the relationship,and find a good excuse to end the relationship
9% (7) End the relationship on the spot, and slap myself for not knowing better

76 voters have answered this question.

If you did marry a person of the Jewish faith you would.

52% (40) Each stay in His or Her religion and raise our children in both faiths and let them chose when the are older.
3% (3) He or She would have to convert to my religion and our children would be raised in my faith
11% (9) I would convert and raise our children according to the Jewish faith
13% (10) We would stay faithless and so rise our children
18% (14) I would never marry a Jew.

76 voters have answered this question.

The way a Jew looks

1% (1) Athletic
2% (2) Blond blue eyes
18% (14) Black hair brown hair
22% (17) Big nose and skinny fingers
9% (7) skinny and weak
7% (6) Fat and hairy
5% (4) Hot looking babes
2% (2) Hot looking hunk
9% (7) Dark skin
7% (6) White skin
11% (9) Ugly
67% (51) Their is no such thing as a Jewish look

76 voters have answered this question.

My religion is

6% (5) Buddhism
47% (36) Christianity
1% (1) Hinduism
0% (0) Islam
13% (10) Judaism
31% (24) Jedi

76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-09-30 23:54:06 by DANWILLTON
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