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Return of the stocks

In the middle ages up to the mid 19th century, villages were equipped with stocks to restrain people for petty crimes as a form of public humiliation. The stocks were made to restrain the ankles unlike the pillories, if you don't know what the stocks look like here's a picture http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Chapeltown_Stocks.jpg They are no longer used but I'm wondering about your opinion if it's a good idea to bring stocks back or not, especially to punish misbehaving teenagers.
Do you think it's a good idea to bring back the stocks?
Yes, definately
Yes, probably
I'm not sure
If they are used for misbehaving teenagers who do you think they should be used on?
Young teenage boys (13-15)
Older teengae boys (16-18)
Young teenage girls (13-15)
Older teenage girls (16-18)
Where should they be placed?
One in town/city center
Several in town/city center
Many all around town/city
Stocks should be used to punish teenage boys for . (Please include all)
Stocks should be used to punish teenage girls for . (Please include all)
Should teenage boys be able to choose their clothing while in the stocks?
They should wear what they have on at the time
No, they must wear
Should teenage girls be able to choose their clothing while in the stocks?
They should wear what they have on at the time
No, they must wear
Should teenagers be humiliated only by being in the stocks or be submitted to other humiliations while in the stocks?
Boys shouldn't be humiliated in other ways
Boys should be humiliated in other ways
Girls shouldn't be humiliated in other ways
Girls should be humiliated in other ways
Since the stocks restrain the ankles in front of the person, should teenage boys' footwear be removed as part of their humiliation?
No their footwear must stay on
No but people passing by should be allowed to remove them
Yes, they should be left socked while in the stocks
Yes, they should be left barefoot while in the stocks
Since the stocks restrain the ankles in front of the person, should teenage girls' footwear be removed as part of their humiliation?
No their footwear must stay on
No but people passing by should be allowed to remove them
Yes, they should be left in nylons while in the stocks
Yes, they should be left socked while in the stocks
Yes, they should be left barefoot while in the stocks
Should should something be done to teenage boys' feet during their time in the stocks since they're unprotected?
Yes, they should be paddled
Yes, they should have cold water poured on them
Yes, they should have hot water poured on them
Yes, they should be tickled
People passing by should be able to do what they want to them
Should should something be done to teenage girls' feet during their time in the stocks since they're unprotected?
Yes, they should be paddled
Yes, they should have cold water poured on them
Yes, they should have hot water poured on them
Yes, they should be tickled
People passing by should be able to do what they want to them
Should teenagers in the stocks have things thrown at them?
Teenage girls should have thrown at them. Teenage boys should have thrown at them. (Please include all).
In general do you think teenagers would behave better if the stocks existed? Anything else to add?
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This poll was created on 2009-10-03 15:25:58 by johnyahoo1