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You can't have a dog!

Have you ever used the line "Having a dog is a lot of responsibility, I don't think you're ready for that yet," or a variation when your child or children asked you for a dog?
If so, how do you feel about lying to your child(ren)?
I feel terrible. Lying is not a good idea, even to kids
It probably wasn't the best choice but hey, it means I don't need to buy them a dog
It's perfect! I wish all of my problems could be solved this way!
So when do you plan to tell your kids that you tricked them?
Meh, I'll get around to it eventually.
This poll has made me think about things in a new way. I'm going to go tell them the truth right now!
This poll was created on 2009-10-05 22:16:32 by SpiderRider3