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Evolution VS. Creation

I have to do a science fair project. It is Evolution VS. Creationism. I need as many people to vote so tell your friends plz and start voting

What do you believe in, Evolution or Creationism?

27% (21) Creationism
72% (55) Evolution

76 voters have answered this question.

Do you think Evolution is missing facts?

47% (36) Yes
52% (40) No

76 voters have answered this question.

Does Evolution have too much fiction in it?

25% (19) Yes
75% (57) No

76 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that God created everything?

35% (27) Yes
64% (49) No

76 voters have answered this question.

Is Creationism more believable than Evolution?

25% (19) Yes
75% (57) No

76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-13 00:05:09 by tcsboy
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