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Disney Villain Tournament Round 3

Round 3. Due to an uneven number of villains left in the tournament, I am putting John Silver from Treasure Planet in this round.

Match 1: Scar vs Kaa

80% (16) Scar (beat Shan Yu and Cruella de Vil)
20% (4) Kaa (beat Si and Am and Ratigan)

20 voters have answered this question.

Match 2: Hades vs John Silver

90% (18) Hades (beat Captain Hook and Wicked Queen)
10% (2) John Silver

20 voters have answered this question.

Match 3: Shere Khan vs Oogie Boogie

85% (17) Shere Khan (beat Judge Claude Frollo and Big Bad Wolf)
15% (3) Oogie Boogie (beat The Headless Horseman and Judge Doom)

20 voters have answered this question.

Match 4: Jafar vs Ursula

66% (14) Jafar (beat Prince John and Syndrome)
33% (7) Ursula (beat Clayton and Yzma)

21 voters have answered this question.

Match 5: Maleficent vs Chernabog

73% (14) Maleficent (beat Madame Medusa and Gaston)
26% (5) Chernabog (beat Randall Boggs and Madame Mim)

19 voters have answered this question.

What was your favorite match?

14% (3) Match 1
4% (1) Match 2
19% (4) Match 3
47% (10) Match 4
14% (3) Match 5

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-16 01:57:46 by nicholas presley
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