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Should kids be spanked at 13?

I'm 13 and I think I'm to old to be smacked Until yesterday I hadn't been smacked since I was about 10 ...but after threatening for the last few weeks (I've been at war with her) to give me a 'good hiding' if I carry on backchatting etc... (I didnt beleive her) but my mum finally went through with it and yesterday she caught me and my younger sister in a lie about school stuff. After we were both sent to our rooms I could hear her smacking my little sister which I thought was funny at the time but next minute she walked into my room holding one of my Dad's size 10 shoes and before I new what was happening I was bending forward whilst she whacked my bum a few times really hard with the flat sole of the shoe!! Then I wasn't laughing It was soo painful and shocking that I was yelling everytime I felt the shoe whack my bum .. I think I got about 7 or 8 whacks and ended up with a really sore bum!! I was really shocked and thought she'd just been coming to ground me or stop my allowance or something but she whacked my bum really hard instead!!! After I'd calmed down, I started thinking ...i'm too old for this!! and since then I've been trying to tell her I'm to old to be smacked especially since the last time was years ago - how can I persuade her I'm right I dont want my bum whacked with that horrible shoe again!!

Should I be being spanked at 13?

73% (546) Yes
6% (51) No?
18% (139) Depends on how you act?
0% (4) Not sure?

740 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

63% (464) male?
36% (270) Female?

734 voters have answered this question.

Have you been whacked with a shoe or anything else before?

40% (295) Yes
13% (100) No
3% (29) Yes with a shoe
41% (305) Yes with something else

729 voters have answered this question.

How old is too old to be spanked?

3% (27) 5-10
6% (48) 10-15
19% (142) 15+
69% (506) 18+

723 voters have answered this question.

Should children be spanked at all?

93% (691) Yes
6% (49) No

740 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-17 19:14:24 by Alishamarven
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