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What Should Be Cy's Hairstyle?

I leave it up to you guys... The poll I posted on Facebook was Primarily KEEP IT LONG, and I could go either way, as it's just hair. I don't blow dry my hair or use any other appliances, I've never dyed my hair, and I only use alcohol free products, and as little as possible. So I'm putting it in YOUR hands. What would you guys like to see? Keepin' it long? [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Technotherapist/IMAG0102.jpg[/IMG] Go for the old Greaser Pompadour? [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Technotherapist/Me32.jpg[/IMG] I've been short and spikey [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Technotherapist/IMG_0015.jpg[/IMG] Go for the ole Buzz Cut? [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Technotherapist/Me01.jpg[/IMG] Go back to the old flat top? [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Technotherapist/Me29.jpg[/IMG] Cy
What Should Be Cy's Hairstyle?
Keep it long.
Go for the old Greaser Pompadour
Go back short and spikey.
Go for the ole' Buzz Cut
Go back to the flat top?
What's hair?
This poll was created on 2009-10-19 22:28:27 by TechnoTherapist