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Simple Poll: Do you believe in God?

A short poll about what you believe.

Do you believe in God? (Or a greater force that your religion says is the figure) e.g. Allah, Bhudda.

45% (94) Yes
14% (31) No
35% (73) I'm an atheist.
4% (10) None of these apply.

208 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

82% (170) Male
17% (37) Female
0% (0) Transexual
0% (0) None of these apply.

207 voters have answered this question.

What is your IQ?

1% (3) 79 or less
1% (2) 80-90
2% (5) 91-100
6% (12) 101-110
17% (33) 111-120
27% (54) 121-130
23% (45) 131-140
20% (40) 141+

194 voters have answered this question.

Whats your favorite subject in school?

41% (86) A science class, biology, physics, etc.
29% (62) Mathematics. Algerbra 1, 2, Geometry, Trig etc.
22% (46) English
36% (75) History
24% (51) World Geography
24% (50) Other

207 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-21 14:23:30 by Wiiownz14
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