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Guys - how hairy are you?

Just a quick survey to see how hairy we all are ntaurally

What is your age

58% (3869) under 18
18% (1243) 18 - 25
5% (358) 26 - 30
4% (331) 31 - 35
4% (331) 36 - 40
7% (503) 41 and above

6635 voters have answered this question.

Are you bald(ing)

88% (5802) Not at all
9% (647) Balding
1% (119) Bald

6568 voters have answered this question.

Do you have facial hair?

73% (4869) No
8% (543) Mustache
10% (709) Goatee
7% (480) Beard

6601 voters have answered this question.

How hairy is your chest?

9% (598) Very
16% (1087) Moderately
17% (1165) Slightly
51% (3387) Smooth
5% (362) Shaved

6599 voters have answered this question.

And your pits?

11% (788) Very Hairy
43% (2865) Moderately Hairy
39% (2572) Smooth
5% (343) Shaved

6568 voters have answered this question.


8% (552) Very Hairy
17% (1134) Moderately Hairy
10% (716) Slightly Hairy
15% (1046) Just a trail from my navel
42% (2823) Smooth
4% (319) Shaved

6590 voters have answered this question.


27% (1815) Very hairy
23% (1520) Moderately Hairy
40% (2633) SlightlyHairy
8% (519) Shaved

6487 voters have answered this question.


12% (814) Very Hairy
73% (4778) Forearms only
2% (155) Upper arms only
9% (603) Smooth
2% (156) Shaved

6506 voters have answered this question.


21% (1397) Very Hairy
28% (1838) Moderately Hairy
45% (2902) Slightly Hairy
1% (113) Smooth
3% (198) Shaved

6448 voters have answered this question.


3% (202) Very hairy
5% (363) Moderately Hairy
16% (1094) Slightly Hairy
71% (4678) Smooth
2% (171) Shaved

6508 voters have answered this question.


9% (647) Very Hairy
16% (1061) Moderately Hairy
20% (1376) Slightly Hairy
48% (3202) Smooth
4% (273) Shaved

6559 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-07-24 12:50:50 by DH
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