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24% (99) 13
13% (52) 14
9% (36) 15
9% (39) 16
43% (174) 17 and over

400 voters have answered this question.

how old were you when you got the talk from your mum

11% (44) 8
4% (17) 9
11% (43) 10
13% (51) 11
22% (86) 12
14% (56) 13
10% (39) 14
13% (52) older then 15

388 voters have answered this question.

how did she start to tell you about it

14% (53) i asked her about the subject and wanted to know
7% (29) she saw my briefs were wet and asked if i knew what happened there
43% (160) caught me masturbating and was given the sex ed talk
25% (93) she wanted to know if i was having sexual feelings yet
8% (33) never asked me questions about it

368 voters have answered this question.

what was the reason she gave you the talk about sex ed

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183 voters have answered this question.

who do you rather hear the talk from

11% (43) my dad
62% (230) my mum
4% (17) my brother
6% (23) my sister
6% (23) teacher or someone else
9% (34) i like to deal with it by myself

370 voters have answered this question.

how did she tell you about it

10% (37) she gave me a book with all the info and we talked about it page by page
16% (60) she gave me a dvd with all the info and we watched it together
18% (67) we looked up on the internet and found all the info there
55% (205) she just talked about it

369 voters have answered this question.

when we had the talk i was

51% (196) interested
1% (7) board
67% (258) getting an erection
32% (124) feeling sexy
50% (191) wanted to know more
2% (8) asked her to hurry up as friends were waiting for me
3% (15) lost my train of thoughts
8% (32) wondering when this was going to finish
31% (121) realy embarrassed
16% (61) was shocked about what i heard
18% (70) had no idea you did all that stuff
45% (171) naked
4% (16) shy and i have to leave now

380 voters have answered this question.

what was the best experience hearing the talk by your mum

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177 voters have answered this question.

what was the worst experience you had hearing about the talk

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161 voters have answered this question.

what area's did she talk about

76% (303) told me about my penis
37% (148) about my circumcision
36% (143) about by foreskin
71% (283) about females parts
36% (145) why my sheets were wet in the morning
72% (286) me getting erections
44% (176) pubes
52% (207) the opp sex
18% (72) gay sex
65% (259) intercourse
57% (228) being nude around home
17% (68) any other thing i missed out on

395 voters have answered this question.

did you have any question you ask her about the subject

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148 voters have answered this question.

she asked me if i

44% (162) had sex yet
71% (264) if i masturbated
55% (203) was having wet dreams
64% (237) erections were a problem for me
41% (152) if i experemented with others
16% (59) if i was gay
15% (56) was doing things i should not be doing
22% (84) if i wanted my brother or sister there with me during the talk
14% (55) i wanted another male to tell me all about it
54% (202) i masturbated every day
38% (143) was just enjoying puberty and happy with what was happening me
7% (27) never asked me about any of those questions

368 voters have answered this question.

do you think that the school sex ed programme covers all the subjects that you want to hear about or do they miss out on some things you would like to hear about.

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149 voters have answered this question.

being a male i enjoyed/was unhappy hearing this stuff from my mum and i rather [what]

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137 voters have answered this question.

what questions affected you the most about the sex ed talk

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129 voters have answered this question.

i liked the talk and i _____ at the end of it

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140 voters have answered this question.

i like doing polls and i enjoy filling in the polls about _____ the most and would like to see more polls on _____ will you make one for me.

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107 voters have answered this question.

thanks for doing my poll and if you want to leave a message about your sex ed talk please do so.

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63 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-10-29 23:02:46 by skindownonme
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