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WOULD YOU RATHER - by andrew

A poll of two options and you have to choose which one you would rather do.

Whould you rather...

78% (85) Take part in a high-speed chase
21% (23) or Tell your parents your deepest darkest secrets?

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

15% (17) Live on the street for three months with hobos
84% (91) or Have to live with a roomate that's trashy and snores

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

58% (63) Give away $100
41% (45) or Jump into an empty pool

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

72% (78) Get cought showering by your friend/cousin/parents (someone in your family)
27% (30) Get cought showering by an old man/woman that is fifty years older than you that gives you a little smile as they walk past :{

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

50% (55) Robb a McDonalds
49% (53) Rob a Walmart

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

32% (34) Run naked through a NFL football game (from field goal to field goal)
53% (57) or Run naked through your school
14% (15) THIS OPTION IS ONLY FOR THOES WHO DON'T GO TO SCHOOL: or Run naked at a Opra show

106 voters have answered this question.

Whould you rather...

89% (97) Stay up for 24 hours straight
10% (11) or Loose your cell phone

108 voters have answered this question.


53% (49) Get cought doing it with your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife by your parents
46% (42) or Get cought by your pastor/minister

91 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

84% (91) Get in a contest and loose humiliatedly
15% (17) or Get arrested and have to call your parents to bail you out

108 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

94% (102) Jump out of an airplane (skydiving)
5% (6) or Get eaten by a werewolf

108 voters have answered this question.


15% (14) Drive a car with a sticky stering wheel, rats, annoying sounds, rough seats, with annoying people bothering you all over! (Like the MythBusters)
84% (78) or Drive a car at 3am and you are really tired

92 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather...

80% (87) Answer dozens of more questions on this test
19% (21) or Be naked in the Middle of Iowa and you are dirty and stinky and nothing really matters and you have to take a train to Montana and then an airplane to somewhere and you are arrested for being naked and you have to call your parents and tell them why you are naked and why you are in Montana and how you got on a train naked and have to pay by yourself because your parents wont bail you out and you are kinda stuck in this situation and you run from the police and run all the way to Canada and then arrested at the border for not having your passport and they pay no attention that you are naked (no offence to Canada) and then they give you bacon and you take it to your home and found out that its not bacon, its just sliced fancy ham but then you are arrested because you are now on your homeland where the police can arrest you because you are naked and you run away and seen on national tv where your parents see you and you are grounded and placed under house arrest where you have to eat your mom's meat loaf and somethings that you dont like...and it goes on and on...

108 voters have answered this question.

How was this quiz?

66% (72) Cool
33% (36) Suckish

108 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-11-06 02:15:29 by Andrew H.
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