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Ideal Woman (Men Only)

What is your image of the ideal woman?


12% (15) 20 years or more younger
10% (13) 10-19 years younger
9% (12) 5-9 years younger
23% (28) 1-5 years younger
26% (32) Same Age
4% (5) 1-5 years older
1% (2) 5-9 years older
3% (4) 10-19 years older
8% (10) 20 or more years older

121 voters have answered this question.


7% (9) 5' or less
33% (40) 5'1-5'4
45% (55) 5'5-5'8
14% (17) 5'9-5'11

121 voters have answered this question.


7% (9) 100 lbs or less
47% (58) 100 lbs-120 lbs
33% (40) 130 lbs-150 lbs
5% (7) 160 lbs-180 lbs
1% (2) 190 lbs-210 lbs
1% (2) 220 lbs-240 lbs
2% (3) 250 or above

121 voters have answered this question.

Hair color?

27% (33) Blonde
18% (22) Light Brown
25% (31) Dark Brown
12% (15) Red
0% (1) Blonde
15% (19) Black

121 voters have answered this question.

Long or short hair?

80% (98) Long
19% (23) Short

121 voters have answered this question.

What in your mind makes a woman attractive?

No graph available for this question

54 voters have answered this question.

What in your mind makes a woman unattractive?

No graph available for this question

54 voters have answered this question.

How 'set' is your idea of beauty?

No graph available for this question

46 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-11-12 02:00:18 by BnBnB
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