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Boys' clothing limits during the summer

Boys, do your parents limit what and how much clothing you can wear during the summer? Be honest when you answer this poll.
How old are you?
Under 13
Over 24
Do your parents limit the amount and kind of clothing you can wear during the summer?
What are your parents' footwear rules during the summer?
Bare feet all the time - shoes and socks aren't allowed
They make me go barefoot some of the time
I'm allowed to wear shoes and socks as much as I want
When your parents make you go barefoot, where does that rule apply?
Only at home - I can wear shoes and socks outside
Around the neighborhood and at friends' houses
Everywhere, including in public - I have to stay barefoot practically all summer
When you are made to go barefoot, do your parents take away your shoes and socks so that you can't wear them?
How do you feel about your parents making you go barefoot?
I like being barefoot, so I don't mind
It's OK, but I'd rather wear shoes
I hate going barefoot, but I have no choice
Do your parents ever punish you by taking away your shoes and socks and making you go barefoot for a period of time?
What are your parents' rules regarding clothing during the summer?
I can wear whatever I want
I can wear shorts and a t-shirt, but nothing else
Shorts are allowed, but I must stay shirtless
I can only wear a pair of swim trunks - no shoes, no shirt, no exceptions
Where do these clothing rules apply?
Only at home - I have to dress more decently when I go outside
Everywhere - even in public I can only be partially dressed
Do your parents take away the clothes you're not allowed to wear during the summer?
Why do your parents put limits on your clothing and footwear during the summer?
The weather's hot, so there's no use in being fully clothed
Doing the laundry is easier because I won't get my clothes all sweaty and dirty
For discipline reasons - this is how they punish me
This poll was created on 2003-09-24 06:49:49 by pil