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fav chocolate bar

vote for your fav choco bar!!

what is your fav out of these

40% (21) kit-kat
7% (4) crunchie
1% (1) Violet Crumble
50% (26) Snickers

52 voters have answered this question.

how about these

5% (3) Tim Tam
63% (33) Twix
21% (11) crunch
9% (5) Picnic

52 voters have answered this question.

Choose your favs

26% (14) Crunchie
17% (9) Picnic
30% (16) Crunch
50% (26) Twix
59% (31) Snickers
40% (21) Mars
11% (6) Violet Crumble
9% (5) lint
28% (15) Cadbury Bubbly
15% (8) Freddo frog
13% (7) Caremello koala
17% (9) TimTam

52 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-11-25 07:59:16 by tucsta
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