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Do you have a Youtube account? If you don't have one don't answer any more questions!
I used to have one/some..
No, but I'm thinking about it
I have several accounts
Have you uploaded any videos?
Yes, more than 50!
Yes, 30-50 videos
Yes, 10-29 videos
Yes, 5-9 videos
Yes, 2, 3 or 4 videos
Yes, I have one video
No, but I'm going to make one/some
No, I don't want to create any videos
No, I'd make one, but I don't have any ideas or the correct equipment
What is the biggest reason why you created this account?
To upload videos
To comment on videos
To rate videos
To be awesome
I was forced to create one
To make new friends
Another reason
If you have any videos, what's the amount of views your most viewed video has?
More than 10 000 000 views!
1 000 000- 9 999 999 views
100 000- 999 999 views
10 000- 99 999 views
5000- 9999 views
1000- 4999 views
500- 999 views
200- 499 views
100- 199 views
40- 99 views
Less than 40 views :(
What year did you join youtube?
In your youtube channel, are you being honest about your information (age, country, hobbies etc.)?
I'm very honest
I tend to be honest, sometimes I change some details though..
I wrote it randomly
No, I lie
I haven't written any info about myself
And finally, did you answer this poll honestly?
Well...Overall, yes... Not 100% I suppose.
I answered some right and some wrong
I completely lied
I completely lied and I'm still lying!
I didn't answer this pathetic poll
This poll was created on 2009-11-28 14:53:04 by Hybow