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Are You Lonely?

How lonely are you in your present life?
Are you lonely?
No, I wish people would leave me alone.
No, I have an adequacy of companionship.
A little, sometimes.
Actually, quite a bit.
What has contributed most to your being lonely at this time?
Always been lonely.
End of job or school.
Loss of companion in past 6 months due to breakup.
Loss in past 6 months due to death.
Loss of companion more than 6 months ago.
Loss of pet.
Moved to new location.
Not lonely.
What change would have the greatest effect on relieving your loneliness?
Job or school change with better socialization.
Live-in partner.
Romantic attachment.
Good platonic friend.
More money to entertain myself.
Closer to distant friends/relatives.
Living nearer to entertaining attractions.
Not lonely.
Could you atribute your loneliness to anything about yourself?
Physically unattractive.
In poor health.
Not a good mixer.
Pain in the ass.
Negative or hopeless attitude.
Unrealistic expectations of potential companions.
Attitude at work/school.
Inability/unwillingness to BE a generous and caring friend.
Do cyber-acquaintances on the internet help relieve your lonileness?
Yes, quite a lot.
No, not at all.
I don't think I want to try that.
Not lonely.
Do you have trust issues?
Everyone wants to take advantage of me.
People don't turn out to be what they appear to be.
I tend to involve myself too deeply in other people's lives.
I try to manipulate other people.
I'm not trustworthy myself.
I always feel that I'm indebted to people who do something nice for me.
Do you know what's on Nick At Night at 3:00 AM?
Probably Infomercials.
Let's see---Andy Griffith?--No, thats on TBS.
Of course. It's Roseanne.
What do you do when telemarketers call?
Hang up.
Look forward to their calls--better than nothing.
Talk to them politely.
Keep them on the line for hours.
Try to make a date with them..
Finally, are you....
Lonely male.
Lonely female.
Male, not lonely.
Female, not lonely.
Finally, are you....
Lonely male.
Lonely female.
Male, not lonely.
Female, not lonely.
This poll was created on 2003-11-17 11:53:32 by jtur88