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Are You Lonely?

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How lonely are you in your present life?

Are you lonely?

8% (2) No, I wish people would leave me alone.
4% (1) No, I have an adequacy of companionship.
12% (3) A little, sometimes.
20% (5) Actually, quite a bit.
36% (9) Desperately
20% (5) Suicidally.

25 voters have answered this question.

What has contributed most to your being lonely at this time?

44% (11) Always been lonely.
4% (1) End of job or school.
4% (1) Loss of companion in past 6 months due to breakup.
0% (0) Loss in past 6 months due to death.
4% (1) Loss of companion more than 6 months ago.
0% (0) Loss of pet.
4% (1) Moved to new location.
28% (7) Other.
12% (3) Not lonely.

25 voters have answered this question.

What change would have the greatest effect on relieving your loneliness?

12% (3) Hopeless.
8% (2) Job or school change with better socialization.
4% (1) Live-in partner.
24% (6) Romantic attachment.
32% (8) Good platonic friend.
4% (1) More money to entertain myself.
8% (2) Closer to distant friends/relatives.
0% (0) Living nearer to entertaining attractions.
8% (2) Not lonely.

25 voters have answered this question.

Could you atribute your loneliness to anything about yourself?

39% (9) Physically unattractive.
21% (5) In poor health.
47% (11) Not a good mixer.
13% (3) Pain in the ass.
60% (14) Negative or hopeless attitude.
26% (6) Unrealistic expectations of potential companions.
13% (3) Attitude at work/school.
17% (4) Inability/unwillingness to BE a generous and caring friend.

23 voters have answered this question.

Do cyber-acquaintances on the internet help relieve your lonileness?

4% (1) Yes, quite a lot.
29% (7) Somewhat.
33% (8) No, not at all.
20% (5) I don't think I want to try that.
12% (3) Not lonely.

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you have trust issues?

45% (11) Everyone wants to take advantage of me.
50% (12) People don't turn out to be what they appear to be.
25% (6) I tend to involve myself too deeply in other people's lives.
4% (1) I try to manipulate other people.
20% (5) I'm not trustworthy myself.
37% (9) I always feel that I'm indebted to people who do something nice for me.

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you know what's on Nick At Night at 3:00 AM?

63% (12) Probably Infomercials.
10% (2) Let's see---Andy Griffith?--No, thats on TBS.
26% (5) Of course. It's Roseanne.

19 voters have answered this question.

What do you do when telemarketers call?

75% (18) Hang up.
0% (0) Look forward to their calls--better than nothing.
20% (5) Talk to them politely.
0% (0) Keep them on the line for hours.
4% (1) Try to make a date with them..

24 voters have answered this question.

Finally, are you....

80% (20) Lonely male.
8% (2) Lonely female.
4% (1) Male, not lonely.
8% (2) Female, not lonely.

25 voters have answered this question.

Finally, are you....

79% (19) Lonely male.
8% (2) Lonely female.
4% (1) Male, not lonely.
8% (2) Female, not lonely.

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-11-17 11:53:32 by jtur88
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