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FFA Award Show 2009!

Its that time of year agairn... time for lots of best of 2009 stuffings

Biggest douchbag of 2009

48% (63) Kretch
12% (16) Thomas Edward York
10% (13) Darkusblack
20% (26) Iceman
8% (11) Cheesy

129 voters have answered this question.

biggest troll of 2009

33% (43) Marcus Aurillious
18% (24) Chris HAnson
38% (50) Cberry
10% (13) Kenshamwow

130 voters have answered this question.

Most Epic Facial Hair.

6% (9) Kretchfoop
24% (32) Akakakakaraid
26% (34) Pallow
22% (29) Bachus
3% (5) Ethaan
15% (20) Drksandman

129 voters have answered this question.

Favorite poster of FFA

17% (23) J$
50% (66) Socrforce1
6% (8) AlphaQ
13% (17) Kretch
0% (1) Serenity
6% (9) MannySoDope
4% (6) ilovebirdflu

130 voters have answered this question.

favorite mod/admin

37% (49) Pallow
22% (29) Darkusblack
10% (13) Sunshindick
8% (11) Drk
7% (10) Ethaan
11% (15) Whotookmy
2% (3) Raid

130 voters have answered this question.

Favorite region of the world

18% (24) Great Britain
11% (15) Florida
37% (48) California
6% (8) Texas
18% (24) Midwest (Illinois)
6% (8) Australia

127 voters have answered this question.

Favorite female poster

35% (46) Serenity
6% (8) Nichola
17% (23) KParis
4% (6) Beccaphins
36% (47) Oneil

130 voters have answered this question.

Least favorite female poster

22% (29) serenity
38% (51) Nichola
21% (28) Kparis
12% (17) Beccaphins
4% (6) Oneil

131 voters have answered this question.

Best Meme

27% (38) Because its FRIIIIIIDAY!!!
9% (13) FTLOM
29% (40) I am 12 and....
33% (46) Sup______Sup

137 voters have answered this question.

Most attractive poster

13% (17) Brendyne
36% (44) JVE
13% (16) Pp
19% (24) TJ
17% (21) Socrforce1

122 voters have answered this question.

least attractive poster

70% (91) OSIJ
5% (7) Iceman
8% (11) Whotook
11% (15) Omle
3% (5) warrenbuffet

129 voters have answered this question.

Most missed poster

30% (39) GIEFF
40% (52) CH
29% (38) jeffgarcia

129 voters have answered this question.

best head of hair.

23% (30) jeffgarcia
44% (56) Pp
9% (12) JVE
12% (16) Brendyne
10% (13) DDJ

127 voters have answered this question.

most likely to be living in their mothers basement

17% (23) Kretch
13% (18) Bachus
42% (56) Walshy
25% (34) Bort

131 voters have answered this question.

best thread maker

7% (10) Bachus
18% (24) Kretch
7% (9) Professor pimpcain
7% (10) Tey
58% (74) J$

127 voters have answered this question.

best supporting actress

14% (18) jeffgarcia
16% (21) Kparis
9% (12) Dixon
59% (74) Jaxman

125 voters have answered this question.

best supporting actor

48% (61) Teejay
7% (9) Thunda
20% (26) MannySoDope
23% (29) AlphaQ

125 voters have answered this question.

Best JTV/livecasting show

26% (33) DarrenSanders
42% (54) JVE
5% (7) Pp
5% (7) Brendyne
15% (20) Barry
3% (5) kenshamwow

126 voters have answered this question.

Biggest pimp

14% (18) Loldrake
13% (17) JVE
30% (39) Obsidian
10% (13) Brendyne
30% (39) Darrensanders

126 voters have answered this question.

Biggest lolcanadian

45% (57) lolthunda
8% (10) serenity
13% (17) DT
20% (26) Walshy
12% (15) weather

125 voters have answered this question.

best britts: butternuts, jake13, dylwap, ethaan, indifference, darkus, firenze, emp, Marshy

5% (7) butternuts
3% (5) jake13
4% (6) dylwap
11% (14) ethaan
1% (2) indifference
20% (26) Darkus
12% (16) firenze
3% (5) Emp
36% (46) Marshy

127 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-12-17 01:06:47 by Professor pimpcain
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