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Choices and Fate

You can choose one or the other in this poll, much like my last one, but this poll will have more questions regarding your views of society and will often feature several answers. Please be warned that you may be offended during the taking of this poll. This is not my intent, but I believe it may be an issue.
Are you a man or woman?
What is your age range?
Under 18
Should people be allowed to worship and express their faith in public?
Yes, everywhere.
Yes, at places of worship.
No, worship should be banned.
No, in private.
Should women be allowed to drive motorized vehicles?
Yes, with a man in the vehicle.
Yes, they have the rights to equality.
No, women should not be allowed to drive.
No, they should only be allowed to use public transit.
Yes, but not on highways.
Disney is...
A company aimed at producing movies for children.
A capitalist organization bent on the brainwashing of children.
A company aimed at producing movies for the entire family.
Do people of non-Caucasian racial profile deserve rights equal to that of a Caucasian male?
No, services should be segregated.
Yes, but services should still be segregated.
No, they deserve to be treated like animals.
Yes, as they too are people.
No, but they should be allowed to use the same services as Caucasians.
Is the War on Terror plausible?
No, as it is impossible to prevent terrorism from becoming a mindset for someone.
Yes, as it protects those that live in places controlled or targeted by terrorists.
Yes, as it is working to eliminate terrorism across the globe.
No, as it is a conspiracy to lap up taxpayers money.
9/11 was...
An inside job in which the American government downed the World Trade Center to induce fear.
9/11 never actually happened.
The works of several terrorists hijacking planes and flying them into the World Trade Center.
The millennium generation is best described as what?
Athletic, technology-obsessed, intelligent.
Ignorant, rude, self-absorbed.
Anorexic, polite, lazy.
Fat, lazy, uneducated.
Opinion on the 2012 phenomenon?
Marketing scam.
Mankind's ascension.
Certainly doomsday.
Total bullshit
Corporal punishment should be...
Allowed in the home.
Allowed in public recreation areas and home.
Allowed in schools and home.
Allowed in places of work, school and home.
Outlawed completely.
More creative!
Wikipedia is...
Pets should be...
Allowed if they are sterilized.
Allowed despite non-sterilization.
Che Guevara is best described as what?
A fighter against oppression.
A war criminal.
A traitor.
A hero.
An enemy of freedom.
A revolutionary.
Do you know who Todd Beamer is?
Yes, he was the hero of Flight 93 during 9/11.
Yes, he was an American soldier who died in Iraq.
No, I do not know who Todd Beamer is.
Who won the War of 1812?
It was a draw.
British North America
The notion of extra-terrestrial life is, in your opinion, what?
Likely. The chance of them contacting us though is slim.
Complete fantasy. We are the only life in the universe.
Completely Probable. They have already contacted us.
Undecided. I am not yet sure who to believe.
Christianity is...
An embarrassment to mankind.
An incorrect faith.
An idea that may be true.
The correct faith.
Islam is...
The religion of hate.
An idea that may be true.
The correct faith.
An incorrect faith.
Global Warming is...
A marketing scam.
Real, but not threatening.
A conspiracy.
Real and dangerous.
Not real.
A natural cycle.
Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yes. I believe I am going to a negative afterlife.
No. I believe in reincarnation.
Yes. I believe I am going to a positive afterlife.
Yes. I believe I am going to a neutral afterlife.
No. I believe death is the end.
This poll was created on 2009-12-29 17:03:32 by Toraton