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abortion debate

make it illegal
Do you think abortion should be legal?
a. yes
b. no
c. I don't know
How do you feel about other people getting abortions?
a. it's okay to have them
b. no, people should not have them
c. it's okay only under certain conditions
c. I don't know
How do you think a lot of people getting abortions could affect society?
a. good effects
b. bad effects
c. no effects
d. both good and bad effects
e. I don't know
Are you male or female?
a. male
b. female
Do you think people should be allowed to protest against abortion at sites where abortions are being performed?
a. yes
b. no
c. I don't know
This poll was created on 2010-01-05 17:49:07 by mrudin