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Take this poll if you really need to pee

This poll is a pee holding poll to see if you can hold your pee when you are desperate.

Are you Male or Female

23% (845) Male
76% (2714) Female

3559 voters have answered this question.

What is your age range?

54% (1955) 10-15
25% (896) 15-20
9% (341) 20-30
2% (79) 30-60
0% (22) 60+
7% (266) Prefer not to say

3559 voters have answered this question.

Do you need to pee right now?

94% (3378) Yes
5% (181) No

3559 voters have answered this question.

If yes on a scale of 1-10 how much do you need to pee?

2% (85) 1- Just been to toilet don't need to go
3% (113) 2- Been to toilet about 20 mins ago. I could spueeze a little pee out
3% (130) 3- Been to toilet about 40 mins ago but don't need it too badly
8% (319) 4- I need to go a little but can hold for about another 2 hours
11% (425) 5- I need to go a bit but can hold for another 1 hour yet
19% (682) 6- Need to pee a fair ammount and won't last more than 30 mins
17% (612) 7- Need to pee really bad now but can hold for another 10 mins
20% (744) 8- Need to pee really really badly and can hold for about 5 more mins
8% (320) 9- Need to pee NOW spall spot arpearing on crotch
3% (129) 10- Wetting my self right now and have soaked crotch

3559 voters have answered this question.

OK so try and hold it for another 5 mins and drink 1 glass of water. What did this do to the ammount you need to pee?

44% (1591) Need to pee a little more
42% (1522) Need to pee a lot more
12% (446) Didn't do anything

3559 voters have answered this question.

Spread your legs sitting down, What happened?

25% (917) Nothing
34% (1245) Need to pee a little more
33% (1191) Need to pee a lot more
5% (206) Peeing my self now

3559 voters have answered this question.

Spuat down and relax a little with your legs apart, What happened?

39% (1421) Need to pee more
37% (1343) Just a little pee came out
5% (202) Peed my self
16% (593) Nothing

3559 voters have answered this question.

Drink another 2 glasses of water, What did this do?

13% (468) Nothing
23% (823) Need to pee a little more
34% (1221) Need to pee a lot more
24% (888) Pee spurt came out but I controlled it
4% (159) Peed my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Stand next to the wall with one foot up as high on the wall as you can get it spreading your legs apart. What happend?

50% (1805) Nothing
43% (1544) A little pee spurted out
5% (210) I wet me self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Press your bladded for 15 seconds while sitting down. What did this do?

15% (569) Nothing
45% (1635) Hurt
32% (1150) Made me pee a spurt
5% (205) Made me wet my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Do 25 jumping jacks and spread your legs wide, What happened?

53% (1889) Nothing
40% (1440) Peed a little
6% (230) Wet my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Do 15 sit ups (if you can), What happened

31% (1136) I can't do sit ups any way
31% (1107) Nothing
30% (1074) A little pee came out
6% (242) I wet my self making a puddle on the floor

3559 voters have answered this question.

Go and sit on the toilet with your clothes on, What happened?

46% (1658) Nothing
44% (1567) Peed a little
9% (334) Peed my self on the toilet through my clothes

3559 voters have answered this question.

Let out a small spurt, What happened?

82% (2926) Small spurt came out nothing more
17% (633) Couldn't control my pee and wet my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

I have to pee as I am making this poll in fact I have a small wet spot. Imaging letting pee out on the toilet. The small trickling noise, The relaxation, What happened?

44% (1569) Nothing
40% (1445) Peed a little
15% (545) Wet my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Are you still dry? If so what are you on now on the scale of 1-10? (same scale as before)

6% (233) 1
1% (71) 2
2% (78) 3
4% (162) 4
6% (231) 5
7% (272) 6
10% (362) 7
16% (596) 8
21% (766) 9
22% (788) 10

3559 voters have answered this question.

That is the end. Did you make it without peeing your self?

21% (780) Yes easily
48% (1729) Yes but it was hard
29% (1050) No I peed my self

3559 voters have answered this question.

Thanks for taking the poll please feel free to leave messages.

56% (2018) OK
43% (1541) Bye

3559 voters have answered this question.

Will you post your story of what happened?

18% (660) Yes
81% (2881) No

3541 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-01-07 11:57:22 by seeds2
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