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Favorite Soda (Cola)

Looking for the old results?
With all these new flavors comming out in the past couple of years I just wanted to know what most people are drinking now. (THIS IS FOR EXTENSIVE RESEARCH)

Regular Cola Category

52% (11) Coke
19% (4) Pepsi
4% (1) RC Cola
4% (1) Jolt (available in select areas)
4% (1) Coke II (available in select areas)
4% (1) Both Coca-Cola Classic & Coke II (new Coke)
9% (2) doesn't matter

21 voters have answered this question.

Diet Cola Category

41% (7) diet Coke
11% (2) diet Pepsi
11% (2) Pepsi MAX (Canada)
5% (1) Pepsi ONE available in select areas (U.S.A.)
5% (1) TaB (available in select areas)
23% (4) doesn't matter

17 voters have answered this question.

Caffeine Free Category

62% (10) Caffeine Free Coke
6% (1) Pepsi-Free (Caffeine Free)
0% (0) Caffeine Free diet Coke
6% (1) diet Pepsi-Free (Caffeine Free)
25% (4) doesn't matter

16 voters have answered this question.

Flavored Cola Category

50% (9) cherry Coke
33% (6) Wild Cherry Pepsi
11% (2) Cherry RC (available in select areas)
11% (2) Pepsi Twist
38% (7) Vanilla Coke
16% (3) Pepsi Vanilla
5% (1) Jolt Electric Blue (available in select areas)
5% (1) Jolt Orange Blast (available in select areas)
0% (0) Jolt Espresso (available in select areas)
5% (1) Jolt Cirus Climax (available in select areas)
11% (2) Pepsi Blue (no longer available)
16% (3) doesn't matter

18 voters have answered this question.

Diet Flavored Cola Categories

13% (2) diet Pepsi Twist
13% (2) Diet Coke with Lemon
33% (5) diet cherry Coke
26% (4) diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
6% (1) diet Vanilla Coke
20% (3) diet Pepsi Vanilla
20% (3) Diet Coke with Lime
26% (4) doesn't matter

15 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-10-30 21:21:54 by Cayna Publishing Corp
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