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Anal Stimulation During Masturbation

Just curious who else besides me enjoys some anal stimulation during masturbation.
OK First off, what is your gender?
What is your age?
Under 18
70 and up
Do you enjoy anal stimulation during masturbation, and if so how much?
Yes, I love it and do it all the time
Yes, I like it but only do it every so often
Its OK, not a huge turn on of off
Tried it but didn't like it
Ewww no
Have never tried it and never will
Have never tried it but now I might
Have never tried it but now I definitely will
If you do enjoy stimulation, or think you might, what sorts of things would you use? Check all that apply.
I don't enjoy anal stimulation so wouldn't use anything
My fingers
Butt plug
Food (cucumber, carrot, etc)
Other household object (please specify):
Does your current (or most recent) spouse, boy/girlfriend, or significant other know of your enjoyment of anal stimulation during masturbation?
I don't have one so this doesn't apply to me
They don't even know I masturbate, much less enjoy anal stimulation
They know I masturbate but don't know about my anal fun
They know about it, but don't like it
They know about it, are OK with it, but have never seen me do it
They know about it, have seen me do it, and enjoyed seeing me do it
They know about it, saw me do it, and joined in themselves (both of us enjoying anal stimulation during masturbation)
Have you ever had someone perform oral stimulation to your anus?
Nope, never happened and I don't want it to
No, but it sounds kinda sexy
No but I wish someone would!
Yeah, it was OK
I liked it, but don't have a big craving for it
I loved it, do it again!
Have you ever performed oral stimulation to someone else's anus?
Eww, gross no way
No, never had the opportunity but might be willing to try
I want to but never have
Yes, it was grody and I'll never do it again
Yes, it was OK and I might do it again if the circumstances were right
Oh hell yeah baby I loved it and can't wait to do it more
Have you ever received anal sex (letting your butt have something in it, be it a penis, dildo, etc)?
No, and ain't no way anything ever going in there!
No, but I'm tempted to try if situation was just right
No, but I really really really want to
Yes, I hated it and it'll never happen again
Yes, I don't care much for it but will do it for my lover
Yeah, it was OK and while it wasn't a huge thrill I didn't hate it either and would do it again
Oh baby bring it on! I love it and can't get enough!
Thanks for taking my quiz. Please tell me about a recent anal experience during masturbation or sex, good or bad.
How often do you enjoy anal stimulation during masturbation
Less than once a month
Once or twice a month
Once a week
Two or more times a week but less than daily
At least once a day
Many times a day
This poll was created on 2010-02-03 17:12:06 by bbwamy