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Music Purchasing Habbits

Please take this poll to help me gain information for my Music Marketing class at McNally Smith College of Music. THanks!!!


9% (8) 8-15
50% (41) 16-21
7% (6) 22-30
25% (21) 31-50
7% (6) 51+

82 voters have answered this question.


49% (41) Male
50% (42) Female

83 voters have answered this question.

Do you Purchase CD's?

32% (27) Yes
54% (45) Sometimes
13% (11) No

83 voters have answered this question.

Is Purchasing CD's your main way of receiving music?

28% (23) Yes
71% (59) No

82 voters have answered this question.

Do you download music illegally?

14% (12) Yes
24% (20) Sometimes
60% (50) No

82 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-5, (5 being very important) how important is it to you to have your favorite songs in a high quality format? (for example, music played on myspace and youtube are often low resolution)

4% (4) 1
4% (4) 2
16% (14) 3
30% (25) 4
43% (36) 5

83 voters have answered this question.

Are you familiar with the WAV file format? (this would be an alternative to an mp3 file format)

67% (55) yes
32% (27) no

82 voters have answered this question.

is .99$ for a song too much money for a download?

38% (31) Yes
61% (49) No

80 voters have answered this question.

Is $9.99 too much money for an album download?

42% (35) Yes
57% (48) No

83 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-5, how concerned are you about music taking up too much space on your computers hard drive?

45% (37) 1 (not so much)
19% (16) 2
18% (15) 3
12% (10) 4
3% (3) 5

81 voters have answered this question.

If you purchase music online, on a scale of 1-5, how is that purchasing experience?

2% (2) 1 (not good at all)
10% (8) 2
37% (28) 3
37% (28) 4
10% (8) 5 (incredible)

74 voters have answered this question.

Do you buy albums on Vinyl?

3% (3) Yes
21% (18) Sometimes
59% (49) Never
14% (12) What?

82 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever purchased music from itunes? If so, how was your experience?

21% (18) Yes, awesome
40% (34) Yes, Ok
2% (2) Yes, awful
34% (29) No, I have never bought music on itunes!

83 voters have answered this question.

Would you be interested in purchasing tracks (or songs) that are not available anywhere else, that feature your favorite band: Alternative forms of their songs Songs that never made it on the album Live performance that are no available on CD's Interviews that are not available for free (i.e. youtube) Demo versions of their hit songs (before they were professionally produced)

41% (33) Yes
41% (33) Probably
16% (13) Probably not
1% (1) No way

80 voters have answered this question.

Would you feel an incentive to purchase songs via download if you earned points that gained you potential free concert tickets (in your area) of that band, free future downloads (i.e. buy 3 songs, get one free), exclusive band merchandise (t-shirts, etc) or other related things?

46% (37) yes, very
26% (21) Most likely
13% (11) Maybe
11% (9) Probably not
2% (2) No way

80 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-02-16 21:30:26 by rbenyo
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