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Your waitress uniform Girls only

There are many types of uniforms worn in restaurants. Some conservative and some sexy. This is to see what you wear or would wear on the job. Also does your uniform have any effect on your job. Girls only please.

You are

99% (300) Female, please continue
0% (1) Male, please leave or check results

301 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently work as a waitress or have you done it in the past?

60% (182) Currently working as a waitress
30% (93) Not currently but within the last 5 years
8% (26) More than 5 years ago

301 voters have answered this question.

How long have you worked as a waitress?

34% (104) 1 year or less
53% (160) 2 to 5 years
7% (23) 6 to 10 years.
4% (14) More than 10 years

301 voters have answered this question.

Your current age

29% (90) 15 to 18
19% (58) 19 to 21
21% (64) 22 to 25
13% (41) 26 to 30
7% (22) 31 to 35
3% (11) 36 to 40
0% (3) 41 to 45
0% (3) 46 to 50
2% (9) Over 51

301 voters have answered this question.

Do you like wearing your uniform?

69% (209) Yes I like it
21% (64) No I wish it was different
9% (28) I would rather not wear a uniform

301 voters have answered this question.

What does your uniform consist of?

11% (34) Dress
38% (115) Blouse or shirt with buttons in front
11% (34) Top without buttons in front
16% (50) Tank top
23% (71) Tube top
9% (30) Other type of top
6% (20) Long pants
1% (6) Capri pants
1% (4) Shorts not too short
16% (51) Very short shorts
6% (19) Briefs
2% (7) Long skirt
6% (20) Knee length skirt
18% (56) Mid thigh miniskirt
45% (138) Top of thigh miniskirt / microskirt
20% (63) Slit skirt
1% (4) Skort
3% (12) Other type of pants or skirt

301 voters have answered this question.

Is your uniform tight fitting or loose fitting?

75% (227) Tight Top, bottom, or both?
36% (109) Loose. Top, bottom, or both?

301 voters have answered this question.

Describe your uniform more fully.

No graph available for this question

301 voters have answered this question.

If you could make changes to the uniform what would they be?

25% (63) Tighter Top, bottom, both
11% (28) Looser. Top, bottom, both
16% (40) More covering / less revealing
60% (148) Less covering / more revealing
51% (126) Shorter skirt
13% (32) Longer skirt
6% (15) Higher neckline
34% (84) Lower neckline
3% (9) Pants instead of skirt
14% (35) Skirt instead of pants

246 voters have answered this question.

Any other changes you would like to make?

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98 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that your uniform affects the tips your customers give you?

5% (18) No not at all. Service determines tips, not the uniform.
1% (6) A more covering uniform looks more professional so I get better tips.
43% (132) I have a skimpy uniform and it might make some customers tip more
18% (55) Depends on the night and / or the time
55% (168) I know that the more I show the better the tips will be

301 voters have answered this question.

Does your uniform leave any of your mid section bare?

56% (170) Yes all the time. Top ends above waist
15% (46) Sometimes. Top ends at waist
28% (85) No never

301 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a short skirt do you think that your customers can ever see your panties?

18% (51) Depends on how I move. I try to avoid showing my panties.
44% (120) Yes if I move a certain way. Sometimes I try to show my panties
41% (112) It doesn't bother me if my panties show and I don't think about it
14% (38) No my skirt is long enough to cover my panties or I wear pants

269 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that showing your panties would affect the tip you get?

6% (18) No not more or less
4% (12) Could decrease the amount of the tip
70% (201) Could increase the amount of the tip
37% (106) Depends on the customer or the night

285 voters have answered this question.

Lets say that the restaurant decided to get more sexy with uniforms. What would you do if the new uniform was a tank top and shorts or a top of thigh miniskirt?

6% (19) I would quit
36% (105) I would wear that if it was required
38% (113) I would like the change
34% (99) That is what I wear now

290 voters have answered this question.

What if the new uniform was a bikini bathing suit?

12% (37) Not for me. I would quit
38% (112) I would wear it if that was required
50% (149) Sounds good to me
5% (15) I wear that now

293 voters have answered this question.

Or if the new uniform was a bra and panties?

17% (52) Time for me to go elsewhere
21% (62) Only if that was the requirement but I would rather not
46% (136) I wouldn't have a problem
27% (79) I think I'll suggest it to my boss

291 voters have answered this question.

Okay ladies, what if the new uniform was topless?

17% (52) No, no way
22% (65) Only if I really need the job
44% (130) Sure, not a problem for me
30% (91) Can I wear less?

295 voters have answered this question.

And now what if the new uniform was only an apron and shoes but no other clothes?

25% (75) I'm gone. Hire someone else
21% (65) I need the job so I will do it
43% (128) Working almost nude would be okay for me
29% (87) I would suggest getting rid of the apron

296 voters have answered this question.

And what if the new uniform was only shoes but otherwise fully nude?

30% (89) Not a chance for me
17% (52) I still need the job so okay I'll do it
35% (102) Being nude should get me more and better tips. It wouldn't be a problem for me
40% (117) I would love to work nude. Saves on laundry and buying uniforms.

291 voters have answered this question.

Anything else you would like to tell me? Suggestions for new questions? Topics for future polls? Leave an e-mail address if you want to talk more.

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76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was

60% (182) Great. Do more fun polls
31% (94) Okay but there are better ones
4% (14) Oh come on. It was stupid
3% (11) Don't make more polls

301 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-03-08 20:02:26 by Donmon
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