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A Spanking Poll

This poll is for people of both genders. It is about a typical spanking that you would have received or do receive when you misbehave, or about the punishment you receive/received if your parents were/are not spankers. All of your punishments may not have been the same, so answer the questions with the word "typically" in mind. The poll is long and detailed. Please be honest, don't answer questions that don't apply to you but please answer the ones that do.
What is your gender?
Would you consider yourself someone who was/is spanked as a child/teen?
If you answered yes to question two, which best describes you?
I am a child (aged 4 to 10) who is spanked frequently for punishment.
I am a child (aged 4 to 10) who is spanked sometimes for punishment.
I am a child (aged 4 to 1o) who is spanked rarely for punishment.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is spanked frequently for punishment.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is spanked sometimes for punishment.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is spanked rarely for punishment.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is no longer spanked but was spanked moderately as a child.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is no longer spanked but was spanked rarely as a child.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is spanked frequently for punishment.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is spanked sometimes for punishment.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is spanked rarely for punishment.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is no longer spanked but was spanked moderately as a child.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is no longer spanked but was spanked rarely as a child.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is no longer spanked but was spanked moderately as a preteen/child.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is no longer spanked but was spanked rarely as a preteen/child.
I am an adult or senior (aged 20 and up) who was spanked frequently for punishment.
I am an adult or senior (aged 20 and up) who was spanked sometimes for punishment.
I am an adult or senior (aged 20 and up) who was spanked rarely for punishment
If you answered no to question two, which best describes you?
I am a child (aged 4 to 10) who is punished by means other than spanking.
I am a child (aged 4 to 10) who is not punished when I misbehave.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is punished by means other than spanking.
I am a preteen (aged 11 to 12) who is not punished when I misbehave.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is punished by means other than spanking.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is not punished when I misbehave.
I am a teenager (aged 13 to 19) who is no longer punished for my misbehavour, although I used to be.
I am an adult or senior (aged 20 and up) who was punished by means other than spanking.
I am an adult or senior (aged 20 and up) who was not punished when I misbehaved.
If you were spanked (if you answered yes to question two), were/are you typically bared before a spanking?
Yes, I had/have to remove all of my clothing before a spanking.
Yes, the spanker removes/removed all of my clothing before the spanking.
No, my underwear or my boxers are/were left on for a spanking.
No, I had/have a specific article of clothing (like a specific pair of shorts) then I must/do wear when being spanked.
No, I was/am spanked on the clothing I happen/happened to be wearing. (Please specifiy what this clothing typically is/was in the space provided.)
This question is for everybody, those who are/were spanked and those who are/were not. What punishement(s) did/do you receive? (Check all that apply).
I have been yelled at.
I have been made to kneel, stand or sit in a corner.
I have been sent to my room.
I have been given a time-out (not in the corner).
I have been grounded.
I have had my stuff taken away.
I have been given a "talk" or lecture.
When I misbehave, I am not punished.
Other, please specify.
This question is for all who have been punished in some way. Do you know what a grounding is, even if you have never been grounded?
For those who answered yes to the previous question, what is a typical grounding like in your house? (If you've never been grounded, what do you think it would be like?)
I have to stay in my room and I can't do anything fun.
I can roam the house but can't do anything fun.
I have one specific thing (like TV) taken away.
I have more than one specific thing but not everything taken away.
For those who have been grounded, have you ever, or will you ever break the terms of your grounding when your parents are/were gone?
The next series of questions are for those who have received a spanking before. If you do not fit this category, skip the next set of questions. What are/were you typically spanked with?
Open hand.
The spanker's belt.
A belt bought just for the purpose.
My belt.
Extension cord.
Clothes hanger.
Other, please specify.
Would you reckon the spanking was/is supposed to be hard?
Do you cry?
Do you submit to the spanking?
Yes, I get/got into position right away after being told that I am/was going to get spanked.
I agreed/agree to the spanking, but was/am given time to think about it before it happened/happens.
I apologize/appoligized, beg/begged for a change of mine, but submit/submitted in the end.
I am/was rebellious, and I was/am only spanked when the spanker forces me into position.
How old were you when you got your first spanking? (Provide details if you wish).
What is/was the most common spanking position in your house?
Over the lap.
On a bed.
Over furniture.
Diaper position.
Other, please specifiy.
Do you have siblings who are/were spanked?
Have you ever witnessed a friend's spanking?
This question is for those who aren't/weren't punished. Can you remember any times when you deserved to be punished?
For those who have been spanked, have you ever been spanked by a sibling?
For those who have been spanked, have you ever been spanked at school?
This is a spot for you to include comments. All comments are welcome. Thanks for taking the poll.
This poll was created on 2010-03-15 19:11:05 by Brandon M