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2010 Singles Survey

Every few years Fast Match survey its members to get a better handle of what singles want, need, look for in a partner and what events they'd like to attend. Your feedback will help us put on the kind of events where you'll meet that special someone. Thanks Gil from Fast Match

What kind of singles events would you prefer to attend?

20% (1) Speed dating
60% (3) Singles parties
80% (4) Activities like kayaking, rock climbing, bush walking, cycling etc
40% (2) Day tours e.g wine tours
40% (2) Organised classes e.g. Dancing, Fitness, Yoga etc
0% (0) Workhops
0% (0) None...would rather just use online dating sites

5 voters have answered this question.

Have you been to a speed dating event?

20% (1) Yes
80% (4) No

5 voters have answered this question.

If you have not been speed dating, why not?

0% (0) Too scared
0% (0) Cant get my friends to come along
80% (4) Wont find who I am looking for at speed dating
60% (3) Too hard talking to so many people in one night
60% (3) Just easier going to a singles party and choosing who to talk to

5 voters have answered this question.

If you did come speed dating, what kind of speed dating events would you like to attend?

60% (3) Normal speed dating in selected age groups
0% (0) Tailored speed dating e.g. for tall people, for single parents, for fintess junkies, for professionals etc
60% (3) Activity speed dating e.g. partnered rock climbing, partnered dancing, partnered abseiling, kayaing, cycling etc

5 voters have answered this question.

FOR THE GIRLS TO ANSWER....What would you say about most guys you meet thesedays?

33% (1) Not mucho enough
0% (0) Too scared to make a move
0% (0) Confused about what is considered polically correct now
66% (2) Too cocky
66% (2) Not wanting to commit
66% (2) Guys are fine, just not enough of them around

3 voters have answered this question.

FOR THE GUYS TO ANSWER... What would you say about girls you meet thesedays?

0% (0) They always go out with girlfriends?
50% (1) Too independant
50% (1) Too wary of guys...you cant even go up and talk to them
100% (2) They are looking for someone that doesnt exist
0% (0) They are fine, plenty around no complaints

2 voters have answered this question.

Would you like Fast Match to start an online dating division where you can scan profiles and photos of like minded singles?

40% (2) Yes
60% (3) No

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-03-25 11:09:45 by FMGil
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