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Pillory Humilation

For those who would love to see or participate in a bit of public humiliation!

Would you like to be locked in the pillory in public?

84% (462) Yes
9% (53) No
5% (31) Undecided

546 voters have answered this question.

If you or someone else was to be locked into the pillory in public, what should they be made to wear?

32% (179) Nothing
12% (70) Just underwear
15% (83) A girls dress
7% (42) Clown costume
12% (71) Nappy
8% (44) Leotard
10% (58) Maids uniform

547 voters have answered this question.

What should be thrown at the person locked in the pillory to heighten their humiliation?

12% (65) Custard
10% (54) Manure
1% (10) Mushy Peas
4% (24) Syrup
14% (79) Water
5% (27) Rotton vegetables
51% (275) All of the above

534 voters have answered this question.

What else could be done to the person in the stocks to humiliate them?

1% (9) Called names
18% (100) Record a video of them/take photos
8% (45) Take them to different town centres for more humiliation
7% (40) A forced haircut
16% (88) Leave them locked up over night
47% (260) All of the above

542 voters have answered this question.

Would you be genuinely interested in taking part in this sort of thing?

52% (289) Definiately
27% (152) Yes
15% (87) Maybe
3% (19) No

547 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-03-29 21:38:08 by Coffee23
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