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working wives + househusbands

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Do you like the idea of wives working while their husbands cook, clean, run errands and raise children?

Men: Would you like to be a full-time househusband? Your wife would focus on a career and make the money, while you would cook, clean, run errands, raise the kids, etc. Rate your feeling from 1 (I hate the idea) to 10 (I'd love to!!)

8% (13) 1 (I hate the idea)
0% (0) 2
3% (5) 3
0% (0) 4
5% (8) 5 (maybe)
1% (3) 6
6% (10) 7
7% (11) 8
3% (5) 9
63% (96) 10 (I'd love it!!)

151 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: Would you like to earn the money working full-time and have a full-time househusband who cooks, cleans, raises children, runs errands, etc.)? Rate your feelings from 1 (I hate the idea) to 10 (I'd love it!!)

7% (6) 1 (I hate the idea)
1% (1) 2
1% (1) 3
1% (1) 4
9% (8) 5 (maybe)
0% (0) 6
0% (0) 7
0% (0) 8
4% (4) 9
75% (63) 10 (I'd love it!!)

84 voters have answered this question.

Men: Who do you think bears a heavier responsibility, the bread-winner of the family or the home-maker?

58% (89) The bread-winner bears heavier reponsibility.
7% (12) The home-maker bears heavier responsibility.
33% (51) Both bear about equal responsibility.

152 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: Who do you think bears a heavier responsibility, the bread-winner of the family or the home-maker?

65% (55) The bread-winner bears heavier responsibility.
8% (7) The home-maker bears heavier responsibility.
26% (22) Both bear about equal responsibility.

84 voters have answered this question.

Men: Do you think that husbands, when they are the only money-earners, tend to see themselves as more powerful or more important than their wives, and tend to want more privileges than their wives? Choose from 1 (almost never) to 10 (almost always)

6% (10) almost never
11% (17) occasionally
9% (14) about half the time
32% (47) often
38% (56) almost always

144 voters have answered this question.

Men: Do you think that wives, when they are the only money-earners, tend to see themselves as more powerful or more important than their husbands, and tend to want more privileges than their husbands?

7% (11) almost never
11% (17) occasionally
10% (16) about half the time
19% (28) often
51% (75) almost always

147 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: Do you think that husbands, when they are the only money-earners, tend to see themselves as more powerful or important than their wives, and tend to want more privileges than their wives?

8% (7) almost never
11% (9) occasionally
6% (5) about half the time
25% (20) often
48% (38) almost always

79 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: Do you think that wives, when they are the only money-earners, tend to see themselves as more powerful or more important than their husbands, and tend to want more privileges than their husbands?

11% (9) almost never
10% (8) occasionally
8% (7) about half the time
20% (16) often
49% (39) almost always

79 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-11-03 02:53:09 by fjstr5
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