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Funny Moments

My English 102 professor said that comedy is funny to everyone except the person it happens to-do you agree?

50% (3) Yes
50% (3) No

6 voters have answered this question.

What was your funniest most embarassing moment?

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3 voters have answered this question.

Which scenario is potentially funnier to you-something really bizarre happening that is so weird it's almost beyond belief, or when something routine and normal goes absolutely bonkers instead of according to plan?

33% (2) Something really bizarre, outlandish, and weird
16% (1) When something that is normally routine goes absolutely screwy
33% (2) I see equal potential for humor in both
16% (1) I don't see the humor in either one

6 voters have answered this question.

Do you have any funny moments when something really crazy happened that you want to share?

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1 voters have answered this question.

Do you have any funny moments when something normally routine went bizarrely wrong that you want to share?

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1 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-05-10 11:02:24 by SusanMcElroy
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